Page 19 of Mine

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“Oh, wow. All the way out there.”

“Yeah. Feels like the middle of nowhere. But it’s actually only a couple of hours from DC.”


“Yup.” He nodded. “Even closer if you’re coming from my family’s cabin.”

“Oh, you have a place like this down there?” I asked, gesturing around us at the lake house.

Paxton chuckled again. “Nothing like this. It’s a tiny old hunting cabin way out in the sticks. My dad used to take me there every year. Not so much now. He has a bad knee.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

He shrugged. “It is what it is,” he said. “Anyway, how do you like Forrester?”

“It’s pretty good. It feels like I’ve been there forever.”

“When did you start there?” he asked, cocking his head.

“Seventh grade.”

Paxton let out a low whistle. “Damn. Boarding school since seventh grade. That’s wild.”

I smiled. “It’s pretty normal for kids from families like mine. My dad is one of the Virginia house reps.”

“Ah. That explains it.” Paxton grinned back at me. “I think you’re probably the fiftieth congressman’s kid I’ve met at school so far.”

I nodded. “Tons of politicians send their kids there. Michaela’s dad is a senator, and Tate’s mom is the house rep for the tenth district here in Michigan.”

“Do they all send their kids here because it’s an exclusive private school in the middle of bumfuck nowhere?”

I laughed. “Yeah, exactly. It’s safe and secluded. So if anyone decides they want to target someone they hate in the government, they can’t get at their kids. They wouldn’t even know where to look for them.”

“Makes sense.” Paxton gave me another curious glance. “What about your mom? Is she in politics like your dad?”

I swallowed thickly and turned my gaze to the lake. “She was. Sort of. She used to run my dad’s office.”

“Was?” His brows furrowed. “You mean…”

“She died last summer,” I murmured, rubbing my right temple.

“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” Paxton’s arm tightened around my shoulder. “I’m really sorry for bringing it up.”

“No, it’s okay. You had no way of knowing. I mean, I spent our entire last date talking about a TV show.”

“Are you doing okay?” he asked, eyes flashing with concern. “I mean, that’s only seven or eight months ago, right?”

“Yeah,” I said softly. “It still feels pretty raw some days. But I’m doing all right. It helps to talk about her.”

“Well, you can always talk to me if you want.” Paxton retracted his arm a few inches and rubbed my back.

“Thanks.” I sighed and returned my gaze to the water. “It’s just so messed up. She wasn’t sick or anything. So it was such a horrible shock.”

“I can imagine.” Paxton kept rubbing my back. “Was it a car accident?”

“Not really. It w—”

He cut me off. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. That’s so fucking rude,” he muttered, shaking his head. “I swear, I’m usually way more polite. I guess I just had too much beer tonight.”
