Page 63 of Mine

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“So what?” Tate threw his hands up. “His life turned out fine, even after all the shit that happened back then. He’s going to the NHL soon, and he’s gonna make bank. He might even become a household name. He’s getting everything he ever wanted.”

“But still…”

“Nope. Fuck him.” Tate furiously shook his head. “Sure, you accused him of something terrible, and it messed him up for a while. But what happened that night messed all of us up. You were stabbed five times, Sienna. You were totally fucked up and traumatized. You can’t be blamed for what happened after you woke up.”

“Agreed.” Michaela nodded. “Sorry, but Paxton really needs to get the fuck over it. Like, sure, he can be mad at you if he wants. That’s understandable. But stalking you and harassing you like this? Nope. Way too far.”

“I guess.”

“Fuck it.” She stood up. “I think we need some drinks. Gotta drown our sorrows, right?”

I rubbed my temples and exhaled deeply. “Honestly, after the day I’ve had, I’d love a drink. But not like the other night at the club. Just something quiet.”

“I know the perfect place,” Tate said. “It’s a coffee and dessert bar about ten minutes from here. They serve nice cocktails and wine too. It’s super cozy and quiet. I think you’ll like it.”

“Sounds great.” I took a deep breath and stood. “I’ll get dressed.”

The coffee bar was just as nice and inviting as promised, emanating a warmth that drew me in like a cozy embrace. Soft, amber-hued lights twinkled on dangling fairy lights throughout the place, and almost every inch of wall space was taken up by hanging potted plants or colorful mod prints.

“I can only stay till ten, if that’s okay with you guys,” Tate said after he’d taken a sip of his red cocktail. “I have an early forensics lab tomorrow.”

“That’s okay.” I glanced at my phone. It was only seven now, so we still had hours to hang out. Or hours to drown our sorrows, as Michaela put it.

Three hours later, we were all four cocktails deep and in a much better mood, despite the circumstances. “This is definitely going to work,” Michaela announced in a slightly-slurred voice. “We’re getting you back into Worthington, whatever it takes.”

“You guys are the best. I honestly thought nothing could make me feel better today. But I really do feel okay now,” I said, clinking the edge of my glass against hers.

Some of my drink sloshed onto Tate’s hand, which was resting on the table, and he grinned and stood up.

“I think that’s my cue to leave,” he said, dabbing his hand with a napkin. “Sorry, I wish I could stay.”

“It’s fine!” Michaela waved a hand at him. “Go do your nerdy lab stuff! Us cool kids are gonna stay and have more cocktails!”

He softly chuckled. “Maybe slow down on the drinks for a bit. Have some water,” he said. He patted me on the shoulder. “Anyway, have a good night, okay? And be careful getting home.”

“We will!”

My tipsy buzz had morphed into a fuzzy embrace, making me feel warm and safe. I could do anything. Take on anyone. I could even tell Michaela the whole truth about today and see if she had any advice to fix my profoundly broken brain.

“Hey.” I leaned forward and tapped on the table. “I have to tell you something. It’s about Paxton.”

“I’m all ears.” Michaela’s brows rose. At the same time, her phone started buzzing. “Shit, sorry. Hold on a sec. It keeps going off.”

She glanced down at her phone with a frown, which deepened as her eyes skated over the screen.

“Everything okay?” I asked, staring at her with bleary eyes.

Her gaze snapped back to mine. “Have you been hanging out with Tayla?” she asked in a sharp tone.


“That girl I introduced you to a few weeks ago. From my international relations class.”

“Oh, the blonde one with the nose piercing?”

“Yup.” Michaela’s tone was downright frosty now. “That’s the one.”

I shrugged. “I’ve bumped into her a couple of times in the library. I wouldn’t say we’ve hung out, though. Just said hi, really. Why?”
