Page 93 of Mine

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“Well, pizza is a nice offer, but I was actually just about to head out,” I said, dipping my chin toward my bag.

Her face fell. “Oh, right. Where are you going?”

“To Tate’s apartment,” I lied, not wanting her to realize how close I was with Paxton now. “I’m going to stay with him for a while.”

“Because of your dad cutting you off?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Even if I could afford all the dorm fees, the dean really doesn’t want me staying on campus anymore.”

“Ugh, that sucks. It’s all such bullshit,” she said. “I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks,” I murmured.

“Raincheck on the pizza, then?”

I forced another smile. “How about Sunday night?”

“Works for me. I guess I should probably get back to my assignment.” She made a face. “If I actually hand it in late, I’ll lose 5% of my grade.”

“Exactly. So… Sunday, seven o’clock?”

“Yup, sounds good.” She returned my smile and stepped away from the door. “Is Tate picking you up?”

“Yeah, he’s waiting for me outside.”

“Cool. I’ll walk you down there. It’s on my way back to the library anyway.”

I couldn’t say no. Like she just said, the parking lot was on her way, and if I denied her kind offer, she’d realize something was up with me.

She hooked her arm in mine, and I hoped to god she couldn’t feel how fast my pulse was racing. It’s just two minutes, I told myself. As soon as Tate sees her with me, he’ll save me.

When we got to the end of the hall, Michaela shivered, put her jacket hood up, and stuck her hands in her pocket. “God, I’m so cold!”

“Yeah, tonight has been horrible,” I replied. “I almost froze to death earlier.”

“At the hockey event with Tate?”

“Yes. It was a black-tie thing, so I had to wear a gown, and I forgot to take a coat.”

“Damn, that sucks.” She sniffed. “I can’t believe he didn’t invite me.”

“He only had two tickets, and he wanted to cheer me up after everything that’s happened lately.”

“Ah, fair enough.”

We arrived in the dim parking lot a couple of minutes later and turned right. “He’s parked over there,” I said, pointing to Tate’s car at the end.

Michaela nodded. “I’ll come say hi. Then I’ll go back to the library.”

As we drew closer to the car, I saw that Tate was hunched over in the front. No wonder Michaela had been able to get past him on the path. He’d fallen asleep.

“I guess he’s tired,” I said, pursing my lips.

“No shit,” Michaela replied with a soft giggle.

I stepped closer so I could tap on the driver’s side window and wake Tate up. That was when I realized the window had been smashed. I hadn’t been able to see it from the path because it was so dark.

“Oh, shit.” Bile shot up my throat, and I clasped my hand over my mouth. Tate’s forehead was covered in blood.
