Page 95 of Mine

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The guy stared at me for a few seconds through narrowed eyes. Then he sighed and relented. “He was attacked in his car. Someone smashed his window in and hit him with a crowbar. Cops are assuming it was some sort of carjacking attempt gone wrong.”

“How do you know he was hit with a crowbar?”

He pointed to one of the streetlamps in the parking lot. “There’s a surveillance camera up there. First thing we did was download the footage and pass it on to the cops.”

“So you actually saw who attacked Tate?”

“Not really. All we could see on the footage was a person in a black jacket with their hood up. Could be anyone.” The guard’s eyes narrowed again. “Could’ve been you.”

“Look, my girlfriend was with Tate when he arrived here, and now she’s missing,” I said, ignoring the guy’s dig at me. “She might’ve left him before he was attacked, but I need to know for sure. Could you look at the footage again? But rewind it to before the attack.”

The guy chewed on the inside of his cheek as he considered it. “Guess it couldn’t hurt,” he muttered. He unlocked his tablet and clicked on the screen a few times. “Was she wearing a long dress?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“This must be her, then.” He showed the tablet to me. “She got out of your friend’s car about two minutes before he was attacked.”

I squinted at the grainy footage on the screen. It showed Sienna hurrying through the lot before turning onto the path that led to the front entrance of Whittaker.

“And she didn’t come back after this?” I asked, eyes snapping up to the guard.

“Nope. Like I said, the attack happened two minutes after this.”

I swallowed thickly. Sienna could be totally fine. She could be up in her dorm right now with no knowledge of what had happened to Tate outside.

“Thanks, man.” I patted the security guy’s shoulder. “Really appreciate it.”

Adrenaline burst through me as I dashed over to the Whittaker entrance and sprinted up the stairs. When I arrived at Sienna’s door, I rapped on it and called out. “Sienna? You okay, baby?”

No response. The lights appeared to be off, too.

Another chill ripped through me, and I fumbled in my pocket for my keyring. Weeks ago, I’d stolen her key so I could sneak into her dorm at night. If she hadn’t had the lock changed, I could get inside.

“Fuck!” I grimaced as it refused to budge. It must’ve been changed after Sienna ended up in the hospital that time.

“Excuse me?”

A snide feminine voice sounded in the hall, and I whirled around. A sleepy-looking girl in pink pajamas was staring at me from the semi-open door opposite Sienna’s.

“Sorry to wake you,” I said. “I’m just looking for my girlfriend.”

“You mean Sienna?”

“Yeah. Did you see her come in?”

The girl shook her head. “No, but I heard her talking to another girl in the hall not long ago. I think they left together.”


I sprinted back down the hall and raced down the stairs, heading back to the parking lot. “I need to see that footage again,” I said to the security guard I spoke with earlier.

He stared at me like I’d grown an extra head. “Huh?”

“I think my girlfriend was attacked too. After Tate. It might be on the footage.”

“The police were already given all of the footage. If there was another attack, I’m sure they’ll—”

I cut him off. “They only know about Tate right now, so that’s probably all they’re focusing on for the moment,” I said. “Please, just show me the footage again and fast-forward it to after the person attacked Tate and left him there.”
