Page 112 of Berries and Greed

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“I could keep it in the workshop.”

“No,” I barked, shivering. “Then it’d be right above my head at night. It could get out and… and…”

“Hulk out of its enclosure and open two doors to get into your room?” he asked wryly.

I glared at him. “Greid, you know you’d forget to put the lid back on its enclosure after feeding it or whatever. God, what would you feed it? Would we have to keep bugs in the fridge?”

He chuckled, reaching over to finger a lock of my hair. “I’m not gonna get a tarantula, berry. Don’t worry.”

I sniffed imperiously. “So this is what I get for bringing you coffee directly to your bed and buying you a candle. Tormented with the threat of horrifying creatures sharing our home with us.”

His expression grew stricken. He snatched the candle off the nightstand and cradled it protectively. “I was joking! Don’t take the candle away.”

Laughing, I shook my head and started packing my new things back into the bag. “I won’t. I guess I better leave you to get dressed for the day.”

“Oh. Okay.” Greid fiddled with the blankets over his lap. “Um, you don’t have to go yet. If you don’t want.”

I didn’t need any more convincing than that. Placing the bag on the floor, I scrambled closer to Greid and started burrowing under the blankets.

“Uh, might want to leave one between us,” he said hurriedly. “I’m, uh…”

I grinned, curling up into his side and throwing a leg over his as I dipped my head to kiss his bare shoulder. “Are you naked, Greid?”

“Y-yeah. And I, uh, I’m definitely gonna get hard, so I don’t want the barbs to hurt you.”

“Don’t worry so much, Greid,” I murmured, shifting closer to tuck my face into his neck and breathe in his scent. “They didn’t hurt me at all yesterday. It’ll be fun getting creative.”

“Nnngh.” His arm crept around me as I pressed kisses over his throat. I smiled when I felt his hips shift anxiously.

Lifting my head, I trailed my lips over his jaw and cheek until I reached his mouth. Greid’s arm tightened around me when I kissed him, dancing my tongue over his bottom lip. He immediately opened for me, shivering as our tongues met. God, the bumps and ridges on his were still such a novel sensation. I couldn’t wait to feel them on other parts of me.

As if he knew the direction my mind had wandered, Greid tore his mouth from mine, panting lightly, and asked, “Is your period over yet?”

Chuckling, I shook my head. “No. But they’re never all that long for me, so another day or two at the most.”

His throat bobbed with a swallow as he cupped the side of my face, long fingers pushing through my hair. “I want to touch you so bad, Beryl.”

“You did yesterday.” I kissed the corner of his lips. “And it was amazing.”

“No, but I mean…” His yellow eyes dipped to my mouth. “I want to make you come.”

My belly tightened with arousal, and my voice had grown husky when I murmured, “I want that too.”

Hand still cupping my cheek, Greid’s thumb stretched to smooth over my bottom lip, his blunt claw digging in gently. I couldn’t stop myself from parting my lips and sucking it into my mouth, relishing the way his eyes grew heavy as a strangled groan rose up his throat.

He pulled his thumb free and crushed his lips to mine with sweet desperation. In between feverish kisses, he mumbled, “I don’t—care that—you’re on—your period. Please.”

God, I was tempted. I wanted Greid’s hands and mouth all over me. I wanted to see him naked again, to watch his big cock fill out and stretch and become that enormous, slightly deadly looking beast that I could kiss and lick and play with until he was begging me to let him come.

But despite always getting incredibly horny on my period, I also never felt the strong urge to actually be touched during it. Periods weren’t gross, but they were messy. I already knew Greid wouldn’t care about getting blood on his sheets, but I’d rather wait until I could really enjoy it. Really, really enjoy it.

I broke the kiss, breathing fast. “Soon, okay?” Trying to calm down, I stroked a soothing hand over his chest and gave him a sly smile. “Then I’ll let you touch any part of me you want.”

Well, only when I told him to. I’d make him tell me first—tell me everything he wanted to do to me before I actually let him. God, I couldn’t wait.

Greid’s pupils were blown, lips damp and parted around his quick breaths. He swallowed, looking a little dazed as he nodded. “Okay. Soon.”

I allowed myself to give him one more kiss, valiantly ignoring the heavy weight throbbing against my leg. But… I could make him come again. I could use his cock sleeve to stroke him off while sucking on the head of his dick, pulling back every time he started to get close. I could work a finger into his ass and mercilessly tease his prostate.

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