Page 130 of Berries and Greed

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Chapter Forty


Sleeping in my humanoid form was weird. I hadn’t done it all that often, and whenever I had, I’d woken up with my back kind of tight, like it had been aching to stretch and elongate.

This time when I woke up, I was hit with a mild wave of vertigo despite still lying down, as if my body knew it was way higher off the ground than normal. My jaw cracked as it stretched open wide around a yawn, a hand sneaking down to scratch my belly and give my morning wood an absent stroke.

Without opening my eyes, I grunted and rolled onto my side. My arm flopped over something small and soft, and my face was suddenly buried in a mass of curly hair, tickling my nose. Naturally, my dick bucked with excitement when I remembered I’d slept with Beryl. All night. In her bed.

I had vague memories of half waking up at some point to see the credits rolling at the end of the documentary. Beryl had fallen asleep within about five minutes of it starting. I’d turned off the TV and dragged myself out of bed to blow out all the candles, then wriggled irritably out of my onesie because I’d been too hot before collapsing back into bed.

Apparently I’d at least had the sense to bunch it against the front of my hips so my dick didn’t accidentally hurt Beryl in the night if it got hard. The soft fabric rubbed against my morning wood, and I resisted the urge to grind into it seeing as I wasn’t too sure Beryl would appreciate being woken up like that.

Her soft, even breaths told me she wasn’t awake yet. My chest had gotten all tight and hot when she’d fallen asleep on me last night, her small body curled into my side. I’d been exhausted too, but I’d tried to stay awake for as long as possible so I could savour it.

I’d failed though, because I was pretty sure I’d fallen asleep about ten minutes after her. I’d just been so comfortable. And relaxed. And happy.

Beryl made me really freaking happy.

She let out a tiny grunt as she started waking up, her fingers wrapping around my wrist and tugging my arm closer to her chest. It settled between her breasts, and my fingers twitched with the urge to slide my hand lower and cup one of the small mounds. My dick bucked, and I knew she felt it through the bunched-up onesie, because she let out a tired chuckle.

“You’re awake then.”

My ears fluttered. “Only for a couple of minutes.”

Stretching with a yawn, she shifted onto her back and blinked sleepy green eyes up at me. My hearts went a little nuts, insides scrunching up all tight. I wanted to see this every morning—Beryl with her hair a wild bird’s nest around her head, her eyes heavy and pillow creases on her cheeks.

“Did you sleep okay?” She rubbed one of her eyes. “I know you’re not used to being so high up.”

My hand skimmed down over her soft stomach and settled on her hip, fingers stretching to the curve of her backside. “I slept great. Did you?” I froze. “Oh shit, did I kick you in the night?”

“Why do you keep asking me that?” Beryl chuckled, smoothing a hand up my chest.

My ears fluttered yet again. “Um, no reason. I just, uh, fidget a lot in my sleep. I think.”

Agma had said it was more like sleeping next to a dreaming dog, but I didn’t particularly want to put that image in Beryl’s head.

“Pretty sure you didn’t kick me, but I’m a heavy sleeper anyway.” Beryl cupped my face and gave it a gentle tug. “Come here.”

I ducked my head willingly, fingers tightening on her hip when our lips met in a soft kiss. But I lived up to the nickname she’d given me, because I couldn’t stop myself from coaxing her lips open so I could dip my tongue inside and taste her properly. I shoved away the sudden worry about morning breath, because, well, Beryl would have it too, and I didn’t give a shit. Hopefully she didn’t either.

The house was quiet except for the sound of us kissing, which did nothing to calm my erection. I found the hand on her hip sliding inward, slowly, until I could rake my claws through the curls between her legs.

Beryl shivered, wrapping her arms around my neck as her thighs parted. My breath caught, fingers flexing with the intense, almost overwhelming urge to slide them lower and cup her pussy. To skim them up and down and feel how wet I could make her. To play with her clit until it got stiff and swollen, and I could swoop down and suck it—


Beryl’s breathless voice made my eyes pop open as she broke the kiss. Her gaze was heavy again, but not with sleep this time. Groaning in desperation, I lunged for her neck and started making my way down it with feverish kisses.

“Can I touch you?” I shifted my hand and felt my fingertip skim over the top of her cleft. “Please?” I added in a croak, hunching my back so my lips could reach her chest.

“Yeah. Yes.” She parted her legs wider, fingers clenching tight in my hair as I reached a nipple and swirled my tongue around it.

Sucking her nipple into my mouth with a moan, I awkwardly shifted a little lower on the bed so my spine wasn’t in danger of snapping in half. As I finally dipped my hand lower to cup her pussy, my tail thumped restlessly against the mattress and Beryl let out a chuckle. It quickly cut off as her breath caught when I slid my fingers between her folds, being very, very careful of my claws. I almost lifted my head to apologise for them or to, I don’t know, tell her I’d go cut them all off real quick, but fear that she’d get freaked out and make me stop kept me quiet. She knew I had them. And I’d rather gnaw off my own hands than ever hurt her.

But fuck, she was so soft here. At least I didn’t have to worry about hurting her inside, because I knew she wouldn’t want me to actually put my fingers inside her. That eased my anxiety, allowing me to relax and enjoy what I was doing. Touching Beryl. Hearing her gaspy little moans as her nipple pebbled against my tongue and my fingers carefully smoothed her wetness up to her clit. I didn’t linger on it for too long yet, wanting to give her time to catch up and get into it. I’d kind of sprung this on her as soon as she woke up, unable to stop myself from pleading to touch her.

Instead, I kept gliding my fingers up and down until she was completely slick, until her pussy was hot and slippery under my hand. My cock pulsed, leaking all over the stupid onesie bunched between us, which was simultaneously keeping my anxiety over hurting her at bay and frustrating the shit out of me, because my brain was shutting off and all I wanted was to rub my dick against any part of her I could to get some relief.
