Page 91 of Berries and Greed

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“Are you a good climber like this?” she asked with interest.

“Um, yeah. I can… I can show you, if you want.”

Her eyes brightened, the light from the gemstones around us sparkling in them. God, she was so pretty. When were we going to kiss again?

Definitely not now, while I was like this. I was pretty sure I couldn’t kiss her with such a long snout—at least not well, without slobbering all over her face.

“Yes, please.” She looked around and spotted my nest, a fond smile tilting her lips. “Can I sit here?”

“Sure, of course.” I watched, fidgeting anxiously as she made her way over and settled in the centre of the nest, looking so small with her legs crossed and her head barely poking up over the rocks.

She looked at me expectantly once she was comfortable, so I cleared my throat and headed for the nearest wall. Gripping a jutting rock, I hoisted myself up with ease and began to scale the side of the deeproom, picking up speed as I neared the stalactites hanging above.

“Woah, you’re so fast.” Beryl laughed, eyes tracking me.

“Yeah.” Bending my legs, I leapt for the nearest stalactite and dug my claws in. My hair hung down in a curtain as I looked down at her and grinned.

She smiled back up at me, watching as I leapt for the next one, then the next. Oh no, the zoomies were back. Restless energy buzzed under my skin, power coiling in my muscles as I jumped between stalactites, then raced down the opposite wall and across the floor on all fours to do it again.

I heard Beryl laugh as I raced past her to do a lap around the room, my hands and feet thumping against rock and packed earth. I wasn’t any more coordinated in this form, so I skidded through the dirt a few times, climbing up the walls so I wouldn’t crash into them when I couldn’t slow down in time.

“Greid, I’ve never seen you move so fast,” Beryl called, making me slow as I loped across the room toward her. I was panting a little, my tongue lolling out of my mouth.

Breathless, I perched on one of the nest’s flat rocks and crossed my legs, my twin hearts pounding with exhilaration. “I’m ready to talk about stuff, Beryl.”

It felt easier while I was in this form, while we were down in this dark, deep room with the earth surrounding us. Like I could share all my secrets with her and they’d stay locked up in here.

Except these were secrets that would follow us back up. Hopefully, anyway. Unless Beryl was horrified by the things I wanted.

Well, she already knew one thing I wanted. I’d nearly died of embarrassment when I admitted it to her, the memory of Agma’s shock and disdain flashing in front of my eyes. The way she’d recoiled, shaking her head and telling me it wasn’t normal for me to want that.

I shoved back the memories to see Beryl blinking in surprise. But she nodded, wriggling her butt to get comfier in the nest. I wanted to curl up in there with her. Maybe take a nap in the dark and quiet of the deeproom while clinging to her soft frame.

“Okay.” She smiled at me. “If you feel ready. Wait, have you smoked today?”

“No, I haven’t. And I do feel ready, but…” I dragged a claw over the rock. “I don’t really know… Um, I mean, what do you want to know?”

“Well…” She cocked her head. “I noticed while I was watching the porn that it all seemed really aggressive between demiurgus. Like they were all constantly fighting for dominance. For the upper hand in the situation.”

I cringed. “Yeah.”

She was watching me carefully. “Do you like that?”

I shook my head immediately. “No. No way. I’m not, um, at all dominant. Agma hated it.” I grimaced, hunching my shoulders. “Sorry for bringing her up again.”

“No, it’s totally fine. Of course she’s going to come up. Don’t worry, Greid.”

“Okay.” I swallowed thickly, keeping my head lowered. “It wasn’t only her, anyway. All the women I’ve been with, they never liked when I would just submit. They wanted a fight. They wanted me to try and overpower them as much as they were trying to overpower me. Demiurgus sex is… yeah, aggressive, like you said. And I’m just… not.”

She reached over and clasped my hand. “And that’s perfectly fine, Greid. That actually… um, well that suits me, really. I think I’m more dominant, but not in that way. Not in an aggressive way. I just like being in control.” She paused, then added, “During sex,” to make it crystal clear.

My cock twitched. Oh god, I could not get an erection. My boxer briefs would be no match for it in this form.

“I like taking the lead,” Beryl continued, and my cock twitched again. “Is that what… you want?”

“Yes,” I said hoarsely.

“Okay.” She squeezed my hand and released it to sit back. “So if you want, I could be like… your Domme.”
