Page 10 of King of Death

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His own cock was hard, jutting out to hover over my stomach, long and slender and flushed pink. My fingers twitched with the desire to touch him, to stroke him to the point of distraction so he’d forget about this ridiculous bargain.

I sucked in a sharp breath when Lonan slowly leaned down. His hand slid up my throat, clasping my chin and holding my head in place as his finger danced over the corner of my mouth.

“You’re fae now, Ash,” he murmured. “You’re in this world of bargains and twisted words and secret games.”

“I don’t want to play games with you,” I croaked, my body and brain vacillating between lust and hurt from his words.

“No, not with me.”

He dipped his head, silky hair sliding against my cheek, and brushed his lips over the tip of my ear. I shuddered hard, my cock bucking. We’d discovered how sensitive the pointed tips of my new fae ears were, and Lonan exploited the knowledge often, knowing it made me weak.

“But I can teach you,” he murmured, voice seductive.

I shuddered again, fingers sliding round to grip his ass. “Lonan…”

I couldn’t even remember what we’d been arguing about, my brain blanking as my hips flexed, sliding my hard length against his taint and balls. His cock bucked, pre-cum beading on the tip. He was as worked up as I was.

“Agree to the bargain,” he murmured before taking the tip of my ear delicately between his teeth.

I tensed, my fingers tightening on his ass. “No. You’re not going.”

His breath hissed out of him in an angry rush as he released my ear. Sitting up, he tightened his grip on my chin and glared down at me. “Scared you’ll lose?”

I had no idea whether I’d lose or not. I was stronger than him—stronger than everyone—but he was right. He was sly and tricky, true fae, and I still didn’t feel completely comfortable in this skin. It was still too new.

But his words made my competitive spirit flare to life. I glared right back at him. “I’m not scared.”

I didn’t know what the fuck had gotten into him—why he was acting like this. I knew he was angry, but he’d never been this sly with me. This… fae.

He sat up, pinning my shoulders again, making my sac tighten.

“I think you are.” He smirked down at me, sharp teeth flashing in the dark. “Scared I’ll win. Come now, Ash.” His voice deepened, growing seductive again. “We’ve played like this before. You’ve won before.”

“I won because you were desperate for me to fuck you.” I smirked back. “Is that what this is? You want me to fuck you? You only have to ask, Lonan.”

He lunged in a rush, teeth cutting into my lip as he kissed me hard. His tongue thrust greedily into my mouth, invading, trying to dominate me. I fought right back, batting away his hands to fist his hair.

He wrenched his head free, breathing hard. “You can fuck me if you win. You can fuck me, and I’ll stay here obediently while you go off with your brother.”

“It’s not about obedience.” I finally found the strength to push him off me, sitting up to kneel opposite him on the bed. Our cocks strained for each other, chests heaving with anger and lust. “I’m not trying to make you a pet. I’m trying to keep you fucking safe. Stop fighting me on it.”

Lonan looked furious, but he didn’t take the bait. He sat back on his heels, drawing my gaze down to his jutting cock and making fire ignite in my belly.

“Agree to the bargain,” he said with a mocking smirk.

My hands clenched into fists, my heart racing, my skin tingling with awareness. He wasn’t going to let this go. I could see it in his face. Hear it in his voice.

And he thought he would win.

“Fine,” I spat. “If it’ll shut you up. I agree to the bargain.”

The words had barely left my mouth when he lunged at me. I braced just in time, absorbing the worst of the impact with a grunt, but he still managed to shove me onto my back.

Our legs tangled as I gripped his wrists to stop him pinning me down. I felt wetness trail over my hip as his straining cock brushed against my skin, but I refused to let myself get distracted. Wrenching a leg free, I hooked it round the back of his knee and twisted, landing on top of Lonan with another grunt.

His eyes flashed with fury at being put on his back. Breaths leaving him in forceful pants, he wriggled his branch leg free and planted his foot on my thigh, shoving me back.

I grabbed the backs of his knees and yanked his body further down the bed. Lonan snarled and scrambled up, gripping my arms to wrench my hands off his legs.
