Page 111 of King of Death

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“Yes, Luad.” He hesitated, then stepped closer and held something out. “This came for you.”

It was an envelope. I stood and took it, glancing at the plain wax seal on the back before flipping it over. And I stopped breathing.

The Luad was written on the front. I recognised the handwriting immediately, small and slanted and free of any loops or overly decorative swirls.

It was from Lonan.

The door clicked shut behind Brahm as I tore the envelope open hurriedly, dropping back down into my seat. And god, when I pulled out the single page, I could smell his winter smoke scent clinging to the paper. My pulse was rabbiting in my throat as I unfolded it carefully.


She is dead.

I’m fine. I know you will be worrying.

I’m sorry for the way I left. I’m sorry for the cruel words I said. Please know that you are everything to me. I love you.

There is much to do here, and I don’t know when I will be able to leave. I know you are very busy, but perhaps you can come here for a short while when you get the chance. If you want to see me, that is.

If you or Nua or Gillie go into the forest, please be careful. Balor is out there still. By the time you get this, I will have already called the guards back to unseelie, but I don’t know if or when he will return.

I finally learned about my father. I want to tell you all of it.

I miss you.


I sagged in my seat, a hoarse sob rising in my throat. I swallowed it back down, trying to stop myself from growing too emotional, and read over the words for a second time.

He was okay. That was all that mattered. He’d done it, and he was okay.

There were still a few more days until I could leave seelie. I tried not to let myself get angry about it—about the fact that I’d essentially been given a time-out by one of the Higher Spirits like a misbehaving toddler. I hadn’t behaved very well that day. To anyone.

And if I’d been able to run straight after Lonan, I didn’t even really know what I would’ve done. If I would have tried to stop him, damaging things irreparably between us.

I wouldn’t have been forced to spend days wallowing around the palace. I probably would have never gone to Brid’s rooms and found her journal.

Maybe it was for the best that I was stuck here for now. Already, my head was starting to feel clearer. I was determined to squash out that last little bit of the Brid still living inside me until there was nothing of her left.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, I set Lonan’s letter down and pulled a clean sheet of paper from the stack in front of me. I couldn’t leave yet, but I could write back to him.


I miss you too, so much, but I understand why you left. You have nothing to apologise for. I’m so sorry for the way I acted—the way I’ve been acting for a while now. I’m sorry for not listening to you, and I’m sorry for threatening to use your favour to trap you here. I feel so ashamed. Please know that I would never do anything like that. I wasn’t thinking clearly when I said it.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all of it.

I’m glad you learned about your dad. I can’t wait to hear about him. I’ll be with you as soon as I can, I promise. We’ll figure it out.

And I’m so, so glad that the Carlin can’t hurt you anymore. I’m glad she’s gone. Congratulations, Unseelie King.

I’ve learned some things too, about the Brid, and what happens when someone new becomes a monarch. If you feel yourself starting to change, please don’t let it change you.

Be careful. I love you.


After finding an envelope, I went and tracked down Brahm so he could get it delivered. He informed me that Morrin would be coming to the palace at sunset, so I retreated back to the drachmsmith chamber until then.
