Page 165 of King of Death

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“Ah yes, the party.” Lonan placed his hands on his hips and shook his head. “So you ask me to strip naked in a field on the one day all our friends and family are just a short distance away.”

I chuckled. “They won’t all be here yet. Nua and Gillie have to track down our wild niece in the forest first. And you know Odran is incapable of turning up on time to anything.”

“So you came somewhat prepared, at least.” He smirked at me. “I see you are already armed with a list of reasons for why taking my clothes off would be a sound idea.”

“Always,” I said solemnly, then grinned as I took a step back and started unbuttoning my shirt. “Come on, Holly King. You’re probably going to be in animal form most of the time anyway. If anyone comes here, all they’ll see is me running around naked being chased by a wolf, or with a bird circling my head.”

A throaty laugh left him as he reached for the buttons of his white shirt. “A compromise then—shirts off. The trousers stay on. Until later,” he added with a sly smile.

“Deal,” I said quickly as I dumped my shirt on the ground and stretched, tilting my head back to soak in the sun. Bending down, I tugged off my boots and socks so I could feel the cool grass under my feet.

Lonan’s shirt landed on top of mine. I quickly straightened to look at him, my belly tightening with lust as I took in his strong but lean frame. The acorn pendant I had given him so long ago still rested in the hollow of his throat, the metal now tarnished with wear. The tiny feather hanging from my neck was still as black as ever, despite how often I absentmindedly rubbed it while deep in thought.

“Ready, Oak King? The prize is a kiss.”

I grinned, rolling my neck to loosen it. “Yes.”

“Let’s begin then.”

He gave me one last secret smile, and as he turned, I caught a glimpse of his back. The scars from his childhood were no longer visible, now completely covered by the tiny feathers etched into his skin like wings. Only a few of the black ones could still be seen. The rest were hidden by a burst of gold, hundreds of them, all gleaming bright in the sun before he shifted into the crow and flew away.

I watched Lonan soar through the air, too busy smiling to even play the game.
