Page 5 of King of Death

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Nua was quiet for a moment, before gently saying, “He would most likely say the same of you, Ash.”

“But I can’t be killed now, right? Well, pretty much. Unless the Carlin’s gone and got Gadleg’s venom in the last few weeks.”

“No,” he conceded, his tone careful. “And we know she hasn’t. Your spies watch the north shore, and no one has attempted to cross the fingerstones. But you can still be hurt. Maimed. The Carlin lost that eye of hers not long ago, Ash.”

I pictured the Carlin’s one molten blue eye, the jagged slash of a scar over her other empty, sunken eyelid. “What happened? How did she lose it?”

“We heard only rumours here,” Nua muttered, then added, “Lonan will not be happy about you leaving without him.”

“Lonan needs to stay here.” I clenched my jaw. “The Carlin will pounce the moment he leaves seelie land. She’ll be watching.”

“She is,” he agreed. “But he won’t see it that way. He will want to keep you safe.”

“I’ll be safe. I’ve been killing her guards for months.”

“I know, Ash, I’m just saying…” Nua sighed, stopping to face me. “You know him better than anyone, of course. Far better than me. But I am quite sure that he would… struggle with being left behind.”

He’s already struggling.

I didn’t voice it. I never did. Every time the insidious thought crept into my head, I shoved it back and refused to acknowledge it.

“He’ll understand.” The words caught in my throat, and I almost couldn’t get them out. “He’s safe here. She can’t touch him here. I’m not going to risk him.”

Nua sighed. I was relieved when he dropped the subject, instead asking, “When would you like to leave?”

“Not yet,” I said quickly. “I obviously need to speak to Lonan first. Um… how long would it take us? To get there?”

“Not all that long, once we get into the forest. Unless, of course, we have to keep dodging the Carlin’s guards.”

“Which is exactly why Lonan can’t come with us,” I said in a tone that brooked no argument. “I’ll speak to him tonight. Maybe we can set off in a few days. Will Gillie come?”

“I think it’s probably best to keep our numbers low for this.” Nua smiled over at me. “And it will be nice to spend some time with you, Ash.” He nudged my shoulder with his. “Little brother.”

Warmth filled my chest as I grinned over at him. “Okay. That sounds nice.”

We sat down on a bench in the shade, and Nua smiled as he watched a butterfly slowly opening and closing its wings on the stone wall opposite.

He cleared his throat. “Ash, is… is Lonan still settling well here?”

“He’s fine,” I said quickly, the words scraping at my throat.

Nua pursed his lips and nodded silently.

I was unaccountably nervous as I sought Lonan out just before dinner. My hair was damp from my bath, but drying quickly as I made my way to the training ring at the back of the palace. My fae ears picked up the sound of clashing swords before I even made it outside.

I smiled when I saw Lonan and Gillie in the ring. Gillie had offered to practise with Lonan, and he was a surprisingly good swordsman for someone who was normally either hungover or at least a bit tipsy at all times.

But as I watched them, it was clear that he was nowhere near as good as Lonan. Gillie’s dark hair was damp with sweat, white shirt sticking to his skin in patches, but he was laughing as he parried Lonan.

Lonan was holding back. I could see it immediately. When he blocked Gillie’s swing easily and knocked him down, his eyes flashed with frustration before he schooled his features into a faint smile and helped him back up.

Gillie chuckled as he got to his feet, silver eyes gleaming as he glanced over and noticed me.

“Ash, come and save me from your tyrant lover,” he called, giving Lonan a jovial slap on the back.

Lonan wasn’t even breathing hard, even though he’d been out here for hours, but as I approached the pair, I could see the sheen of sweat on his pale forehead. It was still hot, despite the setting sun and the shade of the wooden roof over the training ring.

“It’s dinner time. You’re officially saved.” I pulled Lonan in for a kiss as he sheathed his sword. The dagger I’d given him sat on his other hip, and his pair of swords were crossed over his back, as they always were.
