Page 21 of Outdrawn

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“Sage?” The sound of my name made me instantly drop my pencil. I tried not to look too desperate when I turned around.

Tommy grinned at me like we were in on a secret. When he laughed at my disapproving scowl, that somehow made things worse.

“How fast can you come up with a side mission for a Six issue? Assuming you’re all caught up with where we are in the story.” He slid into Noah’s empty seat. She’d been gone for an hour and twenty-one minutes. I wasn’t keeping track of time in a ‘wish she’d come back way’, but a 'what the hell was taking her so long?' way.

It was still too early to be used to her presence in my cubicle, but if she wasn't here, how was that process supposed to start? Noah was hindering my adjustment. Another reason why I needed to get her off my team.

"I'm caught up. How fast do you need it?" Yes, I had Leisah revision, my poor polar bears, and my Inkmic competition comic to start. No, I hadn't slept much last night and didn't plan to tonight either. More work meant more opportunities to forget about everything outside of my sketchbook. Plus, I could log the extra time and get a bonus in next week's check. That money could help cover Ash's withdrawal. I could even give Mom some extra, because when the boys needed something, she was the first to give, despite not having much herself. I’d bet my last dollar Ash went to her before he went to the savings account.

“Tomorrow morning?” Tommy winced at his words, like he was too ashamed to ask.

"You got it," I said without hesitation.

"You're a godsend," he praised and quickly got out of the seat. Tommy knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"I'll get you something by the end of the day." I already had a few ideas rattling in my brain. I found the Six to be the ultimate snooze fest, but since there was a family dynamic to play around with, I could use this subplot to release some tension.

Before I pulled up a blank doc, I got up to go to the break room. I needed an afternoon caffeine hit…and the chance to figure out where Noah went so I could stop feeling so pissed about it.

The office was loud without my headphones on. Most of the artists used their standing desk features, something Tyson begged me to do since I looked like a "gremlin" when I drew. The Silver team was the loudest in the building. Someone in their row of desks played music at the maximum volume allowed, and they chatted and dangled over one another's desks like they couldn't get enough of each other. It made me sick.

I hurried past their section to avoid an invite. It only happened once, and I'm pretty sure I scared them off with my shining personality, but one can never be too careful.

Adjacent to the break room was a game room filled with what you'd find in a typical community center rec room, including the weird plastic smells. Seline and Harry were at the ping pong table, hitting back and forth like they were at the grand slam.

"Looking for someone?" Seline teased when she saw me lingering in the doorway.

"Oh, hey," Harry greeted, his face lit up. "Are you finally willing to waste company time with us again?"

"I'm here for the coffee," I said, trying to keep my final sweep of the room casual. She wasn't there. Damn it.

"I'll tell you where Noah is if you play one game," Seline tried to bargain. "I'm desperate for a real challenge."

"Hey!" Harry protested.

Seline shrugged. "Sweetheart, you play worse than your little sister, and she barely has the attention span to hold the paddle."

"Hm." I pretended to think hard as I turned on the coffee maker. "Pass."

"I think it's a fair deal," Seline argued. "You get to fawn over the new girl, and I get to strengthen my back hand. Win win."

"Fawn?" I scoffed.

"What would you prefer I call it?" she asked.

"Moon over kind of sounds pretty," Harry mused.

"Nah, that reminds me of mooning," Seline said. "Something I've witnessed one too many times."

Harry winced. "I am so sorry."

"No one's fawning or mooning over anyone," I told them, even though my mind kept running through the few other places she could be in this building. “Least of all me.”

“I saw you smile earlier,” Seline said. “And not because of a screw up on the Silver team.”

“God, I hope one of those happen again soon,” I mumbled. “It’s so fucking satisfying.”

“Amen,” Harry agreed.
