Page 87 of Outdrawn

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“Fuck,” I hissed at her words. “Fuck.”

I was a mess when I came, my body out of control, thighs closing around Noah’s hand, essentially trapping her as I ground against the vibrator. The climax was shattering, but I didn’t want it to stop. My clit begged for a reprieve, but my body needed to feel every second of this moment. It had to see it through.

I moved so much as I exploded that Noah loosened her grip on me, in case I needed to get away. I grabbed her thigh and pulled her with me as I rolled onto my side, and she followed my movement without missing a beat. The toy remained on my clit as I gasped for air while lying sideways. She continued to circle it, causing an irreversible connection to form between me and her. How was I going to unravel this? The answer was, I couldn’t. I wouldn’t, not unless forced to, and even then, a part of me would always belong to her.

“It’s you,” I groaned into the pillow. “It’s always you. No matter where I go.”

The realization was a light bulb, the words not the prison they used to be. She’d always been the way out. A beginning.

“What are you saying?” Noah pulled away, concerned. “Sage? Are you okay? Was that good?”

“It was perfect.” I turned to her and pulled her in for a kiss, and she made a noise of amused surprise before relaxing into my kiss.

“Really?” She smiled with her eyes closed like the sweet cartoon princess she was.

I kissed her nose. “Really.”

Noah was talking to someone when I woke. I was still naked under the sheets, and I rolled over to expose my chest to the cool air of the fan turning above. I was hot, and I missed her body pressed against mine.

She was somewhere in my living room; I could hear her feet scraping against the hardwood as she paced back and forth. Her voice was too low for me to make out, but the tone was annoyed. I’d been around her long enough to make that out at any volume.

I leaned over the edge of the bed, trying to get a peek. She’d stopped pacing for a second. Her edges were fuzzy from the heat and all the effort we put in last night. She chewed on her nail, giving a nonchalant 'mmhm' to whoever was on the other end of the phone.

Somehow, she realized I was staring, and Noah glanced over her shoulder to meet my gaze. My cheeks warmed at how I'd been caught being nosy, but she offered me a teasing wink and put up one finger, indicating she'd be done in a second.

"No rush," I said in a hushed tone before flopping back onto the bed. My phone buzzed on the nightstand, and it took me a moment to remember I had a whole life and a crisis to solve.

I snatched up the device, unlocking it with bated breath. There were only two notifications, one a text from Ash telling me he was going to the hospital later with Mom. So far, nothing had changed with TJ's state, but the doctors expected he'd wake up soon once his pain meds wore off. Dad still hadn't responded to any messages. No surprise there.

My other message was an update from Inkmic. The leaderboard had changed. I sat up when I saw kraken was firmly cemented in first place, Noah hot on my neck in third. Only three hundred votes separated her and me.

"Morning." She bounced on the bed.

I smiled,despite my nerves being in overdrive. "Morning, Pastel."

Noah was grinning from ear to ear. "Did you see the update?"

"Mm." I nodded and glanced back down at my phone. A quick, cursory glance revealed my audience didn't like my latest chapter. Hers did. Kraken's…well, obviously, they ate it up.

Noah's smile faded when she noticed my mood. "You're upset? With me?"

"What? No." I locked my phone and tossed it to the side.

"It's okay if you are." She remained at the bottom of the bed, unmoving as she spoke. "This thing happening between us…it's going to cause some issues because of what we do and who we are. I know last night probably felt like a distraction from doing more for your chapter."

Even though I shook my head, I knew she was right. Dating her while wanting to beat her was a conflict of interest. If she won and I was bummed, it wouldn’t feel like a win because she'd feel bad for me and vice versa. Caring about each other opened up a whole other world of hurt.

"We'll figure out how to manage it so it doesn't cause issues," I decided and reached for her. "And this is more than a "thing" to me."

Noah grabbed my hand and let me pull her into my lap. She'd put on her underwear but was still topless, and I admired her as she cuddled close to me.

"It's important," I whispered.

She rested her head against my collarbone. "It's important to me, too."

"In that case, we have to find another word to use besides "thing," I teased as I tickled her side.

"Okay, okay," she said through laughter. "We will."
