Page 9 of Outdrawn

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“So listen,” I said.

Noah jumped as if I shouted an insult at her. She wore a deep-set frown when she met my gaze.

“Wow, you’re still light on your feet.” Noah tugged her sleeves over her knuckles, embarrassed. “I mean, hey.”

I failed to hold back an amused smile. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“I wasn’t scared.” Her forehead wrinkled. “I was surprised.”

“What’s the difference?”

“One involves fear, the other involves unmet expectations. Something you should probably know, considering your career.”

I snorted. She was already comfortable throwing jabs in my direction. This was going to be like old times for sure.

I moved to my side of the cubicle, leaning against my desk while still facing her. “Couldn’t you have been both?”

Her jaw tightened. “Yes, but I wasn’t.”

“You looked like you were both.”

Noah’s expression clouded over when I offered her an easy shrug. She still dotted faux freckles across her cheeks, the spots almost blending into her warm brown skin. The freckles always made her hard glare less intimidating. I told her that once, and she didn’t look in my direction for a month. The lack of interaction had been disappointing; much like how I’d gotten in the habit of annoying Tyson, I kept myself amused by getting reactions out of Noah.

“I’m listening,” Noah said in a clipped tone as she turned back to re-attempt her tablet mount.


“You said, so listen.” She waved her hand toward me. “I’m listening.”

I laughed a little, and her hands stopped moving for a second as she looked back at me.

“We’re working on this together,” I started.

“You don’t say.”

“I’m open to hearing your ideas.” That part was difficult to say. “But I’ve already done a shit ton of work. All the characters are designed. Character sheets are made and finalized. I’ve plotted out the story and character arcs for over seventy-two issues.”

Noah’s eyes widened. Her face was already round, but when her eyes did that, it looked rounder.

“Are you surprised now? Or scared?” I teased. “Or maybe both, with a little bit of impressed sprinkled in?”

She was quick to make her expression neutral. “None of the above. Why would I be impressed you’ve done the job you’re getting paid to do?”

I bit down on my bottom lip, holding back a laugh. “Yeah, sure. My point is, I’m open to hearing your ideas. Signing off on them is a whole other ball game. I’m listening, not agreeing.”

“I don’t need your agreement.” Her nose wrinkled as she spoke. “According to my contract, I have as much power as you when it comes to this project.”

I huffed and rubbed the back of my neck as I looked around the office to make sure none of the other artists were close enough to overhear. “You’re not changing anything because nothing you pitch is going to be better than the story I’ve already outlined.”

“Tyson and everyone I talked to during my interview must disagree.” She gave me her full attention now, letting her tablet lie face down on her desk. It bugged me that she couldn’t figure out the simple stand. My fingers twitched with the need to click the tablet into place.

“I must have something you’re not providing,” she continued, standing taller as she spoke. “That’s why they brought me in. You can pretend like Leisah is all yours, but my name’s going to be on the cover too, and eventually above yours. Then, without yours.”

I laughed. “Are you trying to threaten me?”

Noah smiled. It was sweet on the surface, but the dark in her eyes revealed a deadly center. “What do you think? Or do I have to explain the definition? Vocab doesn’t seem to be your strong suit.”

