Page 98 of Outdrawn

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She nodded, eyes half closed as her hips circled faster.

"So am I." I did my best to keep up with her pace, our conversation devolving into unintelligible pleads and strangled breaths.

"Come with me," Sage begged. "I'm close. Please, come."

I nodded, not thinking I'd be able to, but as soon as I felt her body tensing against my own, I shattered. We held onto each other, kissing our way through the orgasm. The wave was barely over before I snaked my hand down to circle her clit, encouraging her second orgasm of the night. She cried out my name, clutching onto me as I told her how much I wanted to fuck her on her bike one day.

"Damn it," she laughed once her body stopped shaking.

I laughed too. "Good?"

"Perfect," she murmured and pulled me in for a kiss.

Sage’s gentle hand stroked my face to wake me up. She’d said something, but my mind was only half awake, unable to process anything more than touch.

“What?” I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand in the hopes my vision would clear.

“Someone’s at the door,” she said. As if summoned, there was another knock.

I shot up, cursing at the dizziness brought on by the sudden movement. Sage took her time sitting up to stretch, arching her back and reaching her arms into the air gracefully. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was waking up in a 5-star hotel bed with 500 thread count sheets and satin pillows.

Her face showed no sign of puffiness or sleep in her eyes. In fact, I’d argue she looked better in the morning than she did last night. My eyes were wide as she gathered her twists into a loose ponytail.

“Are you kidding me?” I whispered, voice too hoarse to enunciate.

Her hands fell from her hair. “What?”

“You look like a painting when you wake up.”

She laughed and kissed my nose. “Flattery will get you everywhere. Now, about your door. Also, your phone’s been buzzing every other minute.”

“Crap,” I muttered as I tugged on my discarded shirt and a pair of sweats. “I meant to be up earlier.”

“Is something wrong?” Sage asked, concerned as she watched me scroll through my missed calls and texts.

“Very.” I hopped out of the bed and hurried to the bathroom to wash my face.

“What is it?” She was in the bathroom entryway, her hands on both sides of the door frame. I tried not to get distracted by how her arms tensed when she leaned to one side.

“My birthday,” I said.

“Your…birthday?” She stared at me in silence as I ran around the apartment, trying my best to clean up before the next phone call came. I dismissed it with a swipe.

“I forgot to get cups.” I groaned under my breath. “And plates. Liana’s going to kill me about the plates. She hates eating on the plastic ones.”

“I’m sorry.” Sage reentered the room with her hands on her hips. “When is your birthday?”

“Today,” I said while folding up the blankets.

“Today.” Sage shook her head as if the concept was the most confusing thing she’d ever heard. “As in the one we’re currently living?”

“I didn’t realize there were other options. Please, do share. I’d kill to live in some parallel reality right now.”

“When were you going to tell me?” Sage asked. She sounded upset, but she at least helped fold the blankets. We went for the same one, moving in sync like it was second nature. Despite my anxiety, I smiled at how easy it was to work with her.

“It’s not a big deal.” I shrugged and tossed the stack of blankets on my desk.

“Not a big deal?” Sage snatched her shirt over her head and pulled on my shorts. Her ass looked far cuter in them than mine ever had, and that alone deserved a smack, so that’s what I did.
