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All of us went silent at that.

“I’ll join you on the front lines,” Demos said. “Asinia will join the archers in the trees. Tibris—”

“The healer’s tent.” Herne glanced at Tibris. “It’s where you’re the most useful. You know that.”

Tibris nodded. “I’ll be there.” He swept his gaze over all of us. “Be careful.”


Lorian was waiting for me to speak. I should have known he’d insist on having this conversation the moment we arrived in Aranthon.

“I want you to stay in the fae lands while I go to Daharak.”

Lorian tilted his head in that infuriating way he did when he was endlessly amused.

“And why would I do that?”

“Because it’s what I want.”

He laughed at me. “Try again, Prisca.”

I hadn’t thought it would work. Still, I had to clamp down on the urge to stick out my lower lip. Heaving a sigh, I sat on the edge of the plush bed. “When I was with Madinia in Regner’s castle…when I made my alliance with Kaliera…a woman stepped down out of her mirror.”

All humor had left Lorian’s face, and something feral glittered in his eyes. “Who?”

“Daharak’s mother. A seer. You’ve heard of her,” I said, spotting the recognition on his face.

He nodded, and I straightened my spine. It felt as if a knife were being dragged down the back of my throat. “She knew things. About me. She said she’d had glimpses of my future for years.”

Lorian’s gaze was steady on mine. For once, I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “And what did she say?”

“She gave me two prophecies. The first was about Daharak and fulfilling the blood vow.”

He didn’t say a word, just watched me, waiting.

“The second was about you. About your d-death.” My voice cracked, and Lorian’s eyes softened.

“Tell me.”

I recited both prophecies,and he sighed. “Is this what you’ve been so worried about? I told you, Prisca, I’ll never leave you.”

I glanced away. He didn’t believe me. And why would he? He was lethally powerful, a force that had carved his way across this continent and protected his people for decades.

“All I’m saying is, based on her prophecy and the mention of water…perhaps it’s best if you stay here. Temporarily.” I dragged my gaze to Lorian’s. His lips curved, and I glowered at him.


“Please,” I begged, and my voice broke.

His gaze turned gentle, and he cupped my cheek. “I’ll give you anything you want,” he said. “Anything but that.”

I had to hurt him. I had to lash out. Or worse, I had to betray him in such a way that he would be eager to leave. The thought made me want to vomit. But there were no lines I wouldn’t cross to save his life. None.

“I know the way your mind works.” His voice was achingly soft, but his eyes had turned predatory. “Listen carefully, Prisca. No matter what you do, I will never leave your side.”


“If I’m going to die, it will be while I’m protecting you.”
