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Lorian reached for my hand, found Rythos’s, and knocked it aside, shooting him a warning look. Rythos rolled his eyes.

“The fae prince cannot be mated to the hybrid heir.” Caliar scowled at me. “You will need to give up any plans to take that throne.”

Conreth rubbed at his temple, giving Lorian a look so cold, I almost shivered. Clearly, he hadn’t wanted Lorian to let the others know he was mated to me either.

Lorian sent his brother a wicked grin, which he turned on Caliar.

“No need for that. I will be making my home in the hybrid kingdom after the war.”

Romydan’s mouth fell open. “You’ll give up your title to go and play consort in the hybrid kingdom?”

Lorian opened his mouth, but I squeezed his hand. “Lorian will be my husband,” I said coolly. “Which will make him the hybrid king.”

Lorian went still, and I immediately regretted speaking, my stomach fluttering. He’d never wanted a crown. Never wanted to rule. Perhaps I’d overridden his wishes. Just as Conreth had for so long.

“Look at me, wildcat,” he murmured.

The others were deep in conversation, and I turned. The look he gave me was all tenderness with a healthy dose of simmering lust. I blew out the breath I was holding, and his eyes darkened.

I knew that look, and I gave him a warning glare before he could do anything stupid like kiss me.

“And will you be enforcing the Boundary of Blood?” Thorn asked.

“Of course,” Conreth said casually. Too casually.

Lorian didn’t move, but I knew him, and I knew Conreth’s hit had landed. From the hard glint in Conreth’s eyes, he knew the same.

“What is the Boundary of Blood?” Madinia asked from her spot next to Galon. I sent her a grateful look.

“When a member of fae royalty chooses to relinquish their title, the reigning monarch may choose to enforce the Boundary of Blood, preventing them from stepping foot in the fae lands for one hundred years,” Thorn told her.

I let out a choked noise, and Lorian stroked the back of my hand with his thumb.

One hundred years. An entire century when he wouldn’t be able to even visit the kingdom he’d protected and fought for. The kingdom Cavis had died for. I gave Lorian a look. He’d failed to mention that little problem when we’d talked.

He just smiled, his eyes darkening as his gaze dropped to my mouth. Then he turned back to Conreth.

“Unless you want to fight this war alone, brother, you’ll wait to close the borders to us until it is over.”

Conreth’s mouth hardened, but he nodded, his gaze flicking to Galon.

“It goes without saying that you will no longer lead the Bazinth. That honor will be passed to Talvric.”

Galon smiled. “That would make sense, as I will be relocating with Prisca and Lorian.”

“As will I,” Rythos said.

“And I,” Marth nodded.

Even knowing it was coming, I had to swallow around the lump in my throat.

Verdion looked at his son. Then he looked at me. And all of my muscles tightened at the restrained violence in his eyes.

Romydan laughed. “So the Bloodthirsty Prince has given everything up for a woman.”

Next to Galon, Marth let out a low hiss. But Lorian nodded.“Yes, a choice between listening to you bicker about territory disputes for centuries or waking up every day next to the love of my life. It certainly was a difficult decision.”

Conreth was now studying me. “Do you have anything to say?”
