Page 54 of The Flirt Alert

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I can’t deny it. “Sure, yes. But also, maybe it’s time for a new adventure. Both professionally and personally.”

We both sit in silence, lost in our thoughts. After what seems like hours, Miles speaks. “I’m glad you’ve finally seen the real Shay.”

I clasp my hands together. “Me too. I feel like such a dick for being so hard on her those first couple of weeks. You weren’t wrong to call me out on the way to the retreat.”

“It’s what partners do. I didn’t mean for you to sleep with her, but I guess what’s done is done.” He laughs then grows serious. “Remember, whatever happens with Hungry Llama, or with Shay, we’re in this together. You’re my brother in all the ways that count.”

Our bond reaffirmed, I leave his office feeling lighter.

Having Miles’s blessing is everything.

I can’t wait to see Shay.

Chapter twenty-six


Christmas Day

The soft glow of Christmas lights spills across the living room, illuminating Austin’s handsome face with a warm, gentle light.

The air around us carries a mix of holiday scents—pine, peppermint, and freshly baked cookies. My parents are buzzing around, making certain everything is perfect for the Christmas feast. Neither of them will let us lift a finger.

Miles is upstairs fixing Dad’s computer, leaving Austin and I drinking hot cocoa in the living room opposite the ginormous tree decorated in silver, green, and gold.

Despite the external cheer, Austin’s quiet demeanor has my attention. I can sense an underlying sadness, though he’s trying to hide it.

“You okay?” I nudge him slightly.

He offers a weak smile. “Yeah. Of course.”

“Austin,” I press gently, intertwining our fingers and bringing them to my lips. “Tell me the truth.”

He takes a deep breath and looks down at our entwined hands. “I stopped by my mom’s house before coming here to drop off gifts for my step-siblings. No one was home. The entire place was dark.”

I squeeze his hand, feeling a pang of sorrow. “Wow. I wonder where they are?”

“Who knows.” He shakes his head. “I’m so fucking happy, I wanted to share it with my own family. I keep forgetting I don’t have one. I wish I had answers. What the fuck did I do to them?”

“I’m so sorry.” I nestle into him. “I’m happy to share mine with you. Someday, maybe we’ll have our own family, so you won’t have to feel so alone.”

He shrugs, attempting nonchalance. “It’s …odd. Like I’ve been erased from their lives.”

My heart aches for him. Austin has always strived for connections, a sense of belonging. And to be shut out from his own family, especially during the holidays, must be gut-wrenching. “You’re not erased from this family,” I whisper, kissing his soft lips. “You’re a part of us now.”

He smiles at me, though the sadness doesn’t fully leave his eyes. “Thank you, babe.”

Before we can continue our conversation, my mom sweeps into the room, her usual efficient energy filling the space. “Austin, help me with the roast? It’s a bit heavy and Goran has disappeared into the garage for some reason.”

Austin rises to his feet. “Of course, Annika.”

I bring my knees to my chest and sip my cocoa, watching them interact. It’s incredible how seamlessly Austin has integrated even further into our family. They share laughs over the kitchen counter as they get the food put together. My dad reappears, chiming in with his own jokes. Even amidst the laughter, I can’t shake off the cloud that hangs over Austin. I want to do something about it, but I don’t know what.


“Shay, go get your brother. Dinner’s ready,” Dad shouts from the kitchen.

Miles bounds down the stairs. “I heard you. Computer’s back up and running.”
