Page 63 of Finch

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The whole table sprang to their feet. Even Misha, who’d been glaring daggers at Finch. He

tucked his hands behind his back and stepped in front of Finch. In his hand was his cell phone,

its screen pointed in Finch’s direction. While he spoke, he used his thumb to close the page

with Finch’s information on it. Finch had no clue how he was able to navigate the screen like

that without looking, but that would be a mystery for another day.

“It’s the lighting in here, drakon,” Misha said. “All of us look pale in this dingy room.”

“We were just discussing alternate lighting arrangements,” Peregrine added. He stepped

around Finch to stand at Misha’s side, effectively blocking Finch from Hugh. “Finch will have

to excuse me for revealing his secrets, but the conversation came about when Harrison

commented on his freckles. You might not think much of it, but Pedigree omegas are taught

that any and all imperfections are to be minimized or made invisible, freckles included. It seems

the light here emphasizes them, and Finch was distressed by the thought you might notice.”

Finch did not have freckles. He did, however, owe thanks to the Dragonet Club. Not only were

they giving him a chance to compose himself, but they were actively working to keep his secret.

It was a shame they had to mention the Pedigree to do it, since Finch had been trying his best

not to mention his enrolment at all in the hopes Hugh would simply forget he’d ever been a

part of it, but he’d rather his involvement with the Pedigree be fresh in Hugh’s mind than his

secret come to light. With some luck, sweet, gullible Hugh would eat up their every word and

forget anything was amiss.

Which was exactly what happened.

Hugh made a moue of distaste. “How ridiculous. Finch, I’ve never seen a freckle on you, but I

assure you if there were any to be seen, I would still hold you in the highest regard.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Other Drakes were filing into the room now. Grimbold entered, followed by Ian and Geoffrey.

Alistair, Everard, Reynard, and Sebastian trailed behind. There was no sign of Bertram, but

that was to be expected. He seldom attended family functions.

“I think everyone has arrived,” Hugh announced. “It’s high time we eat cake. Finch, what do

you think? Will you come share some with me? I find myself ravenous, but I would like your

company, if I may.”
