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He seems kind of subdued—more so than normal—as he unlocks the front door and calls out a greeting as we step inside.

“I’m back! Paige is here, Grandma.”

“Oh wonderful! I’m in the kitchen.” She sounds excited, and her face looks excited as we walk through the entryway, through the formal dining room, and into the pleasant, old-fashioned kitchen. “Paige, honey, you look prettier every time I see you.”

I snort at that. “I look exactly like I have since high school. My hair is the same, I weigh the same, and I never wear much makeup.”

“Then it must be life experience.” His grandmother is small with white hair and the same blue-gray eyes as Chase. Unlike his, hers are always sparkling and lively. “It sits well on you. Now sit down for a minute with me, honey. I won’t keep you long. Chase, where are your manners. Fix her a cup of tea.”

I giggle at her quicksilver tone changes and take the seat next to her at the big kitchen table. I’m vaguely surprised she didn’t get up to make me tea herself. She always used to. “Thank you.”

“Now pick you out a couple of these cookies.” She indicates a plate on the table. “And I’ve got a whole tin packed up for you to take with you.”

“Thank you so much. I always look forward to your cookies. They’re the tastiest part of Christmas for me.”

Her smile softens. “Thank you for saying that. Chase, she takes two spoons of sugar.”

“I know how she takes her tea,” he mumbles—maybe to her and maybe to himself.

“Hush, dear. I’m talking to Paige right now.”

Chase brings a cup of tea and sets it in front of me, slanting me a quick, amused look. “Sorry, ma’am. I thought when you said my name it meant you were talking to me.”

“Don’t talk back to your old grandma.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He’s hiding a smile as he checks the garbage can and pulls out a nearly full bag, collecting a few outdated things from the refrigerator and pantry before he ties it up.

“Now tell me about your Christmas plans, honey.”

I explain to her all about my trip, making it sound as fun and lively as possible and not mentioning my lack of a companion.

Chase has left the room to take out the garbage when his grandmother asks, “Now why are you doing such a nice trip all by yourself?”

“Well, I was dating someone who was supposed to come with me, but we broke up. All my friends have other plans.”

She frowns. “What about Chase? He doesn’t have any big plans.”

I feel another pang as I remember my disappointment at his rejection. “I asked him. He said he couldn’t.”

“Of course he can go with you.”

I shrug. “He said he couldn’t. Maybe he just doesn’t want to—”

“Don’t talk nonsense. Of course he wants to go.” She shakes her head and tsks her tongue. “That boy. He thinks he needs to stay here to take care of me. I can’t be alone.”

My lips part. “I didn’t realize you needed someone with you.” She’s always seemed so energetic and independent.

“I haven’t been doing as well these past couple of years. I can’t really manage without someone else in the house to help out. I couldn’t stay in this house without Chase. He knows it and won’t leave because he knows I need him. Now he’s refusing to go on a trip he’d love because of it.”

I’m surprised and touched and weirdly excited again. It doesn’t really make much sense. But at least it’s a clear reason Chase would refuse the trip when there wasn’t any other legitimate excuse.

It’s not because he doesn’t want to go with me.

“Okay, here’s what we’ll do. You run out and stall him for a few minutes, and I’ll make a couple of calls.”

I don’t exactly know what she has in mind, but she clearly has a plan. So I head outside through the back door and catch Chase on his way back inside.

“What are you doing out here?” he asks.
