Page 18 of Keran's Dawn

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“Ouch,” she said, looking at me as if she was wondering who the fuck had raised me… and so utterly failed to teach me manners.

I laughed. “You are actually the exception.”

This time, she frowned, visibly offended. “Please, don’t insult my intelligence. I thought you said you didn’t lie?”

“I’m not. And I don’t,” I said calmly.

Leaning her left hip against the counter, she leveled a dubious gaze on me. “You’re not drawn to humans, but you findmeattractive?”

“I do,” I said matter-of-factly as I stepped around the counter separating us to stand right in front of her. “Humans are too pretty.”

“Oh wow! Thanks a lot!”

I burst out laughing. “You misunderstand me, Dawn.”

“No, I get it,” she said, her voice slightly clipped as she rinsed the spices off her hands after rubbing them into the meat before turning to the vegetables. “Like I stated before, I’m well-aware that I’m plain.”

That irritated me, and I made it clear in a stern voice. “You arenotplain, Dawn. I’m tired of females like you belittling themselves over some arbitrary set of aesthetics. By Braxian standards,mystandards, you’retoopretty.”

She gaped at me as I let my gaze roam over her, studying every line her fitted black dress revealed, down to her painted toenails peeking at the front of her open sandals.

“Too pretty,” I repeated in a whisper. “But your body is pure perfection.”

She gasped and stared at me as if I’d lost my mind. “Perfection? I’m built like a man!”

I snorted, and it was my turn to look at her as if she’d gone insane. “You’re not built like a man. You’re sturdy.”

The flabbergasted sound that she emitted upon hearing that actually had me flinching inwardly. As much as I liked speaking my mind and going straight to the point, I also normally went out of my way to remain polite and politically correct. Something about this woman had my mouth running away with a will of its own and stirred this irrational desire to needle her.

“I hope you are far better at diplomatic discussions than you are at talking to women. Because… Just wow!” Dawn said, seeming unsure if she wanted to laugh in disbelief or feel offended.

I chuckled and took on a sheepish expression. “Believe it or not, I am usually quite skilled at conversing with people. I don’t know why I enjoy poking you like this. But I am sincere in my clumsy comments. Although it may not sound very seductive or romantic, being sturdy is a huge quality in a female.”

“Do tell,” Dawn challenged, amusement and dubious curiosity creeping into her voice.

“I’m Braxian. Humans are too fragile. You can’t unleash your passion without breaking them. But a woman like you could handle me.Allof me…”

I smirked as Dawn’s face heated at my underlying meaning.

“You are not manly. Yes, you are tall, with big bones. Your shoulders are broad, but their curve is soft and undoubtedly feminine. Your breasts are generous and perky, the perfect size to fit in a big male’s palm. That narrow waist of yours, and the delicious way it flares at the hips would have many models drool with envy. The roundness of your behind would have any man’s hands twitching with the urge to grab and would provide the perfect grip in an intimate setting. Your legs are endless, sculpted by a master and made to wrap around a man’s waist. You have stunning eyes with the most incredible eyelashes. Your nose is a bit too dainty, but those sinfully plump lips of yours would give any man the most inappropriate thoughts.”

“Whoa… Okay. Nowthatwas inappropriate!” Dawn said, her cheeks all but bursting into flames.

Despite her apparent outrage as she busied herself cutting the vegetables, my words had flattered her.

“Apologies, if I offended you,” I said in a soft voice.

She huffed. “I thought you didn’t lie?” she repeated, giving me the side eye.

“I don’t lie,” I said in a serious tone. “You challenged my earlier statement, and I defended my stance. I find you extremely attractive and stated why. But if my bluntness offended you, I truly apologize. It is not my intention to disrespect you.”

Dawn opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, words failing her. It was adorable.

“I really don’t get you,” she finally muttered under her breath.

I snorted. “Why? Because I find you attractive or because I’m blunt?”

