Page 23 of Keran's Dawn

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“The perfect mouth to wrap around a man’s thick cock.”

I cringed as Sam’s words resonated in my mind. That asshole had been my first boyfriend—if I could even call him that. During that less-than-wonderful relationship, I’d discovered that most men who showed me any interest really just wanted to “fuck that big mouth” and to “bone the giant freak.”

I cast away those dark thoughts as my gaze roamed down the length of my body. My shoulders were indeed way too broad compared to a standard woman. But Keran was right by saying their gentle curve held an undeniably feminine quality. Although muscular, my arms weren’t bulky like those of a bodybuilder. Just lean and nicely defined like those of a professional athlete.

Staring at my breasts, I placed a hand on the right one, gently caressing the pinkish-brown nipple. Although a good bra could fool people into thinking a woman had nicer breasts than she truly did, mine were in fact a great source of pride. Like Keran had stated, they were generous but firm and perky.

How would it feel to have his big, calloused hands fondling them?

As I examined my narrow waist and hips, I once more had to agree with the Braxian prince: I had a nice body. I’d always been so focused on my plain face and broad shoulders that I never really acknowledged my other qualities. I had a perfectly shaped hour-glass figure, and sexy long legs that demanded to be flaunted with crotch-length mini-skirts.

Yes, my legs are made to wrap around a man’s waist.

I groaned inwardly when Keran’s face immediately flashed before my mind’s eye at that thought. Like all Braxians, he would never win a beauty contest. And yet, just thinking about him had me throbbing in all the right places. His body was insane. In keeping with Braxian fashion, he’d been dressed in a second skin of a shirt that had tightly hugged every curve of his bulging muscles. More than once during our meeting, my fingers had itched with the need to reach out and touch them.

Keran exuded a potent sexual aura. There was no doubt in my mind that, with him, sex would be savage, raw, and dirty. I immediately felt moisture pool between my thighs as my inner walls throbbed. Fuck me! I’d been celibate for far too long to be this horny over some stranger whose cock would likely split me in half.

If he made a move, would I go for it?

Despite the loud ‘Yes!’ that resonated in my mind, I’d likely hesitate and maybe even pass should the opportunity arise. Had he been some random guy, I probably would have gone for it, maybe even made the first move. But him being royalty somewhat turned me off. Was I truly attracted to him or to his status and power? Washetruly drawn to me or simply felt entitled to bang any female that crossed his path because he was a prince?

None of his actions so far had given me any reason to assume so little of him. I was overthinking everything, as always. Then again, for all I knew, he had a full harem waiting for him back on Braxia.

I didn’t smell any female on him.

Or did I? There had been a sliver of a scent. I couldn’t be certain if it belonged to a female. But if it was indeed from a lover, either they hadn’t lain together in weeks, or it was no more than a passing fling, or a one-night stand a few days ago.

Why the fuck am I speculating about his sex life and relationships?

Once more annoyed with myself, I stepped out of my panties and then into the shower.

But damn, no male had ever affected me like he did. Instead of fantasizing about that scrumptious body of his, I should be focusing on protecting my boys. Hopefully, his guards would discover some new leads at The Cabaret.

“SHIT!” I exclaimed halfway through rubbing soap over my legs.

I had forgotten about his guards. The security system would have automatically armed by now. Once they penetrated the property, the defense droids would zero in on their position in seconds. If they didn’t give the password, the droids would attack on top of alerting the local authorities, requesting immediate back up.

I quickly rinsed and dried myself up. For a split second, I considered fully dressing but opted to simply slip on a robe and hurried to Keran’s room. Just as I was raising a hand to knock, Keran’s voice resonated through the door.

“Come in, Dawn. It’s unlocked.”

Heart pounding, I complied. As soon as the door opened, I nearly swallowed my tongue. Fully naked but for the towel around his waist, Keran was standing by the desk, his laptop sitting open on it. His slightly damp hair confirmed he’d also just stepped out of the shower.

He didn’t say a word, content to look at me with an expectant but soft expression. In that instant, I realized he was likely thinking I’d come to play naughty with him, and he was waiting for me to state as much or run back out if I’d suddenly gotten cold feet.

“I’m really sorry to bother you again,” I said sheepishly. “It just struck me that your guards haven’t returned and—”

“They’re aware of your security system,” Keran said in a gentle voice, interrupting me. “It is not very advanced. They will have no problem bypassing it. In the morning, I intended to offer to upgrade it for you.”

“Oh, wow! Okay then, I guess everything is fine,” I said, feeling insanely self-conscious.

“Everything is fine,” he echoed, his intense gaze once more messing with my head.

“Right. Well, I’ll leave you to it, then.”

“You don’t have to,” he said softly as I was turning to leave.

My head jerked towards him, and my lips parted in shock. Keran took a couple of steps towards me, remaining nonetheless at a non-threatening distance. My throat went dry while my pulse picked up.
