Page 47 of Keran's Dawn

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My heart nearly leapt out of my chest while the most delicious warmth spread throughout my body. I had wondered if I was just another fling in a long string of affairs and casual encounters during his travels. While I had accepted that sad likelihood, his words just now drove home how much the thought of being discarded like some used goods once he left had gnawed at me.

I licked my lips nervously, clamping down on the happiness wanting to surge forward. “I like you a lot, too, Keran. But I understand that Braxians are pretty lax when it comes to… intimacy. Even though I kind of came on to you, I’m generally fairly reserved. I don’t share and don’t want to be shared.”

The tension stiffening my spine faded away when he smiled in response to my words, a glimmer of approval shining in his stormy eyes.

“Good, because I don’t share either, nor do I want to be shared. The only people with any claim over me are my two infant sons.”

My eyes widened in shock, then I immediately kicked myself for not having foreseen it. Of course he would have secured a couple of heirs. The firstborn son of every clan leader was expected to ensure the continuation of the bloodline by having heirs as soon as they reached maturity. As the Crown Prince, it would have been even more urgent for Keran.

I frowned as a troubling thought crossed my mind. “Infant sons? Why still so young?”

He smiled, his hand roaming a bit more boldly on my body. “At first, I was failing to find a female with strong enough genes to give me sons who would be powerful enough to face the countless challenges that would inevitably come their way. Then, just as I was about to settle ten years ago, my father met and married Mercy. She changed everything.”

“How?” I asked, more confused than ever.

“She made me realize just how clueless all of Braxia, myself included, were about the rest of the galaxy. Her knowledge had turned our fate around and stopped the near financial collapse we were heading into. So I left, traveled both quadrants of the galaxy to learn about other cultures, from how their society worked to their economy, politics, and religion. I forged commercial and political alliances and tried to mend the terrible image Braxians have abroad.”

“Wow! I had no idea. That was quite the undertaking,” I said, impressed.

“It’s something I should have done sooner. Even eight years of this didn’t suffice. But I had to return home. Although I did come back in between trips, with my impending ascension, I needed to be more present and especially sire at least two heirs.”

I shifted uneasily, then reached for him, my fingers distractedly caressing his chest.

“So you finally found the woman with the perfect genes,” I said with a nonchalance I didn’t feel.

Keran snorted. To my shame, the disdain on his face gave me warm fuzzies.

“Dana indeed has the perfect genes. Her bloodline is filled with powerful and legendary warriors.”

“But?” I insisted when his voice trailed off.

“But she was an entitled, self-centered, and obnoxious little princess. In truth, I’m surprised the servants didn’t murder her,” Keran said, sounding amused. He chuckled at my horrified expression. “Relax. Despite their undeniable—and very justified—urge to do so, they wouldn’t have acted on it. My servants are loyal. Any foul play against Dana would have forced her clan to seek retribution. However, had she suffered a genuine accident, no one would have rushed to assist her.”

“Sheesh. You’re not making a very compelling case for me to want to go live there,” I said, only partially joking.

He chuckled again. “You, my dear, would have nothing to worry about. You’re nothing like Dana. I officially ended our contract before coming here and sent her back to her father’s compound. She relinquished all rights over our sons and declined any future visitations.”

“Are you serious?!” I exclaimed, flabbergasted.

Keran nodded grimly. “She was only interested in the boys if they helped secure her place as the future Dagna. Once I made it clear it would never happen, she had no more use for them.”

“I’m sorry,” I said in all sincerity.

He shrugged then smiled wistfully. “I’m not. She would have been a negative influence on them. But my sons receive all the love they need. So don’t worry, I won’t try to pin them on you.”

It was my turn to snort. “I’ve spent my whole life helping raise motherless young Braxians by choice, not obligation. So even if that had been your intention, it wouldn’t have scared me away. But you will have to show me pictures.”

He leaned down, his lips stopping a hair’s breadth from mine. “I’ll show you pictures. But seeing them in person will be even better,” he shamelessly added before brushing his mouth against mine.

“It would be,” I conceded. “But first, you have to convince me to come to Braxia.”

“Your wish is my command,” Keran whispered before giving me a demanding kiss.

For the next hour, and throughout the night, he gave me a thousand reasons to do just that.

Chapter 14

