Page 50 of Keran's Dawn

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“Then what was it?” he asked in the same soft tone.

“If I dated one of you and things didn’t work out, then someone else would hit me up. I’d end up getting passed around,” I said in an apologetic tone. “I didn’t want to create false expectations or worse to have some people screaming favoritism if I didn’t pick them. It was just safer and simpler to avoid fraternization with anyone at the shelter.”

Jaek nodded slowly with a pensive expression. “Fair. We both know who would have shouted the loudest,” he added, casting a meaningful glance towards Vintor, which had me snorting. “But things are different now. Everyone is leaving. Most will scatter to the four winds. You could come with me.”

I recoiled. “You’re leaving, too? But what about your research?”

“Yeah. I only stayed here because of you. So long as the shelter operated, you would never leave. I turned down many great opportunities off-world. But now that nothing shackles you here anymore, you could come with me.”

I gaped at him, speechless. All those years, I’d known he’d been infatuated with me, but never would I have suspected he’d turned down jobs to be near me.

“The Prince said he’d offered you a role on Braxia to help integrate hybrids to their society,” Jaek continued in a pressing tone. “It felt like a sign.”

“A sign?” I echoed, confused.

He nodded. “The Braxian Queen owns the most high-tech research lab in the entire Eastern Quadrant, right there on Braxia. She’s been training our females in various scientific fields. I could apply there.”

“You?Youwould return to Braxia?” I asked, flabbergasted.

He swallowed hard then nodded. “Things have changed. Magnar Ravik executed my sire, which was well-deserved. My oldest brother, to whom I owed my disfigurement, has also met an untimely death. I refuse to be a prisoner of my past. You and this shelter helped me reclaim my life. You first helped mend me psychologically, and now physically,” he added, waving at his body.

My throat constricted, I gently patted his shoulder. “I have no merit in this, Jaek.Youdid all the work. I simply pointed you to programs that could help you. And it was Keran who brought the Veredians here.”

“Becauseyoucalled him first,” Jaek countered.

“True. But he went above and beyond any assistance I ever imagined he would provide,” I said wistfully.

When Jaek didn’t respond, I looked at him. My stomach dropped at the sorrow in the depth of his inky eyes.

“You like him,” he said factually, although I didn’t miss the pain in his voice.

I swallowed hard and carefully chose my words. “Keran is not at all what I expected. He’s a good man, and he’s truly trying to do right by us.”

Shame burned deep in my gut for not flat out telling him about my involvement with Keran. Now, in this joyous moment, didn’t feel like the right time. A part of me almost regretted my entanglement with Keran. Jaek was truly a wonderful man who I could have fallen deeply in love with, and who clearly loved me. But I was seriously falling hard for Keran. Calling it quits with him to go the safer route offered by Jaek would be cowardly and unfair. In truth, it would feel like a rebound. Jaek deserved better than that.

“Right now, I’m not making any long-term plans. My sole focus is catching that killer and keeping everyone safe. I need to know that you’re all going to be fine. I’ve lost too many of you already. All I can think about is the fact that Ramsay is still missing and that in three more days, we’ll likely find him mutilated like the others.”

“We will find the murderer,” Jaek said with conviction. “Your prince isn’t going to let go that easily.”

I pretended not to hear him referring to Keran asmyprince.

“I hope so. He seems determined to do that. But with everyone scattering, I fear he’ll move on to other priorities,” I admitted. “Still no news from that other headhunter?”

He shook his head with an apologetic look. “Still nothing. The others also didn’t—”

His com beeping interrupted him. He cast a glance at the interface, and a troubled expression crossed his features.

“I must go.”

“Are you steady enough to leave on your own?” I asked, worried.

“I’ll be fine,” he said with a reassuring smile before showing me his half-full plate. “I’m taking this with me. I’ll finish eating during the flight.”

“Okay, but don’t overdo it. Thesala said you needed to rest,” I warned him sternly.

He smiled, an air of longing flashing over his face. “See? You do care more than you admit to yourself. This conversation isn’t over.”

Jaek caressed my cheek with the back of his hand then walked away.
