Page 58 of Keran's Dawn

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But I dismissed the thought as soon as it crossed my mind. While there existed spaceships of every possible design, even some with little to no aerodynamic lines, there were no visible signs of a propulsion system, and the outer walls didn’t look like they could make a proper hull able to withstand the rigors of deep space travel.

However, the warm expressions of the men suddenly cooling—some flat out turning hostile as I came closer to them—brought my focus back to my surroundings. The flaring of their broad nostrils indicated they’d perceived Keran’s scent all over me. I lifted my chin defiantly at those who glared at me. But the disappointed, even betrayed, glimmer in the eyes of the others actually hurt.

After all these years, they should know me better. And yet, they were undoubtedly interpreting my relationship with Keran as proof that I, too, thought purebloods superior to hybrids. Obviously, that couldn’t be further from the truth. I hadn’t chosen Keran because of that and couldn’t help that he was literally sweeping me off my feet.

More importantly though, I refused to live my life according to other people’s approval. The only claim they had over me was that I should do everything in my power to make their lives easier, as was my duty as the shelter’s manager. My personal life was none of their fucking business.

I silenced the part of me whispering that I should have waited before allowing—actually requesting—that Keran mark me with his scent. Sure, I could have waited, but why should I? I didn’t owe anyone anything.

Feeling a little dejected by the men giving me the cold shoulder, I walked down the greeting hall into the immense room on the right. Here, even more so than the entrance, the floor and walls screamed of this being a spaceship. The gridded flooring and the metal plates on the walls belonged in a hold or shuttle bay.

A deep sense of unease washed over me. If this was indeed a vessel, Nirkon could just take flight and abduct us all. For a split second, I thought of bailing out. Only the knowledge that Keran was right outside in his chaser, with his frigate lurking nearby to intervene if things got ugly, helped me remain stoic.

Hundreds of benches had been lined up in multiple levels in front of a dais, forming a makeshift amphitheater. Humongous screens covered the wall behind the stage, as well as part of the front side walls. My curiosity spiked as I wondered what Nirkon intended to have playing on them.

Trying to act inconspicuous, I walked around the room, making sure to capture as much as possible about the environment with my camera, as well as the closed side doors located right below the steps leading up the stage. I wandered towards the long tables lining the east corner of the room. It offered finger foods—all of it local delicacies—and large glass kegs filled with a pinkish, clear beverage. The condensation on the kegs and pitchers indicated it was icy cold.

Although I would have preferred water, I poured myself a glass to blend in with the others who had also been indulging in the catering. Under different circumstances, I would have smiled. When it came to food, Braxian males—including hybrids—were bottomless pits. But then, they needed to fuel those godly, muscular bodies the Goddess had blessed them with.

As my gaze roamed around the room, making a mental tally of all those who had shown up, I absentmindedly took a sip of my drink. I gasped at the sweet and refreshing flavor that exploded on my taste buds. It wanted to remind me of sweet, iced tea, but it had a fruity quality, almost like some kind of berries, laced with citrusy accents. I had no idea what juice this was, but I would have to ask Nirkon about it.

Before taking another sip, I snorted at the thought. In my mind’s eye, I pictured myself inquiring where I could buy the fruity drink while the peacekeepers cuffed him for serial murder.

While looking for Jaek in the crowd, I noticed another Guldan. I didn’t recognize him but made sure my camera got a good look at him.

What the fuck do Guldans want with us?

Keran had told me about Gavin Aldriss, but I still failed to see how roping in hybrids here would help them sit Gavin on the throne. But more importantly, why in the world wouldweinfluencehimand the way he ruled Braxia in the future, should the Guldan achieve their goal?

“Him? You fucking chosehim?!”

I yelped, nearly jumping out of my skin at the sound of Vintor’s angry voice behind me. The son of a krillik had snuck up on me while I’d been lost in thought.

“Goddess! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” I said, pressing a palm to my heart, relieved that I hadn’t spilled my drink on me.

The anger twisting his features suddenly gave way to horror. “He forced himself on you! Did that bastard force himself on you?!” Vintor exclaimed, his voice just shy of being a full-on shout.

All conversations stopped in the room, every eye turning our way. Those too far to have made out his words stared at us with curiosity as to the source of the commotion. Those close enough looked at me with outraged fury. Until Vintor had made that accusation, they had all correctly assumed that things had been consensual between Keran and me. But now that the seed had been planted, and considering the horror stories from Braxia’s violent past when it came to hybrid females, they naturally embraced that new theory.

“What?! No! Goddess no!” I exclaimed. “Keran would never force himself on a female. He’s been nothing but a gentleman to me.”

“A gentleman? You fucking reek of him!” Vintor hissed. “You consented to this? You let him defile you?!”

“What I do and who I do it with is none of your business!” I snapped. “I’m a grown and independent woman. I do not need your permission or approval for whatever I do with my lifeorwith my body.”

Vintor took a step back, an air of pure contempt descending over his rough features. He slowly shook his head, his gaze roaming over me in disgust as if he was staring at a putrid corpse crawling with maggots.

“To think we wasted our energy for decades, trying to woo you with respect and consideration. And all it took was for a pureblood to come strolling in for you to get on your back and spread your legs like a cheap whore.”

“Vintor!” Jaek shouted angrily as he approached us. “You do not speak to her that way!”

My heart leapt in my chest upon seeing him. Where the heck had he come from? As he was arriving from our left—instead of our right where the entrance was located—that meant he had already been inside the room. But I would have seen him before.

Unless he had come out of one of those side doors.

Before I could further dwell on that, Vintor taking on a menacing stance towards Jaek reclaimed my attention.

“Youdefend her? Of all people,youshould be the first one to express your outrage. None of us were ever good enough for her, not even you, the intellectual,” Vintor snarled. “Even with your face all prettied up, she still went ahead and rode the pureblood’s cock.”
