Page 99 of Keran's Dawn

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“Thank you,” Keran replied warmly before turning to who I assumed to be his brother.

They exchanged a similar manly hug. After releasing him, his brother kept one hand on his shoulder while giving him an unimpressed look.

“So you go on a mission to arrest a killer and end up violating every sanctuary law on Haven. I can’t let you out of my sight, it seems,” he said in a teasing tone.

Keran chuckled. “Apparently not,” he conceded. He then gestured at me. “Father, Mercy, Ganek, please meet Dawn Merrick. Dawn, this is my family.”

Feeling incredibly self-conscious, I smiled, shocked to have each of them shake my hand in the traditional human greeting. And yet, I noticed the way both Ravik’s and Ganek’s nostrils flared as they took in my scent. I didn’t know whether Krygor or Keran’s guards had revealed my lineage to their Magnar, but now, there would be no hiding it anymore—not that I would have tried to.

“It is an honor to meet you, Dawn,” Mercy said. “I look forward to getting to know you better.”

“The honor is mine, Dagna,” I said sheepishly.

Goddess, I felt so utterly inadequate compared to the perfection that were Ravik’s and Krygor’s mates.

Mercy waived a dismissive hand. “Call me Mercy. You will find that we’re quite informal here.”

“Very well, Mercy,” I said, feeling clumsy.

“Welcome home, Jakar,” a man I recognized as Boros Grumar, one of the Councilors, called out to Keran when Ravik gestured for us to head towards the fortress that also served as their dwelling.

“Thank you, Boros,” Keran replied as we approached.

Not wanting to get too close to my father, I lagged a little, remaining a step behind Keran. To my shock, he took my hand and drew me to his side. Every eye locked on our joined hands, before looking back up at me, their gazes taking on a speculative edge. I fought the urge to squirm and plastered a neutral expression on my face.

“We’ve been eagerly awaiting your return,” Boros continued. “Based on the report of your adventure on Haven, we have urgent matters to handle. The entire Council is here and—”

“It will have to wait,” I said in a tone that brooked no argument.

The shock on the Councilor’s face reflected the one I felt inside. I could not believe the boldness of my words. And yet, I wouldn’t take them back or stand down. Despite the stellar performance Keran was putting on, he was in pain and needed to get back to bed yesterday.

“We have urgent matters of national security to tackle,” Boros said in a tone that implied he couldn’t believe I was meddling.

I lifted my chin and hardened my gaze. “Urgent, no. Important, yes. The Prince just arrived home from a long journey. He hasn’t even seen his children yet. Your meetingcanandwillwait.”

When Boros opened his mouth to argue some more, Keran interrupted him.

“Your Dassa has spoken. The meetingwillwait.”

I stiffened, his words hitting me like a punch in the gut. A stunned silence fell over the attendance. Keran had just given me the title of the spouse to a Crown Prince of Braxia. Not a concubine, not a mistress, but his wife… I cast a nervous sideways glance at Ravik. Instead of the outrage I’d expected, both he and Mercy were looking at me with approval.

“Indeed, the Dassa has spoken,” my father said, with surprised awe.

My heart skipped a beat when he took a couple of steps forward, and his nostrils flared, as if to confirm what he already suspected. The way he puffed out his chest and the glimmer in his green eyes—the same color as mine—screamed of pride. That messed with my head.

“I dare hope to have a chance to speak with the Dassa once you’ve all rested and recovered from your journey,” Raylor Caldes added.

I gave him a stiff nod, and followed Ravik as he resumed walking towards the fortress.

“What about the hybrids?” I asked Ravik as we slowed down by the entrance of the massive building made of dark grey stone and burgundy accents.

“We have set up proper accommodations for them. I will give you a tour after you’re all settled in,” Ravik said in a gentle tone.

“Thank you,” I said, relieved, although still insanely intimidated by the man.

We followed him and Mercy inside. Dark gray walls and maroon floors greeted us. Such colors would have given the dwelling a somber look if not for the imposing windows that let sunlight flood in. As much as I wanted to explore the fortress, I couldn’t help a sigh of relief when we finally reached Keran’s room. It was gigantic, just like the bed. An immense private balcony gave a breathtaking view of the Xeldar compound, which rivaled in size with most small cities on Haven.

“We got it,” I told Ravik, when he seemed to hesitate as to whether he should stick around.
