Page 5 of Ravik's Mercy

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“She made himweak,” Doruk hissed in a surge of anger.

Guldans respected strength and success. Among the many things considered a weakness, love ranked the highest. Emotions made people act irrationally. A Guldan would sell his own child or mother without hesitation if it made financial sense.

Doruk rested a hand on top of the desk, leaning further into me, his muscular chest squishing my breasts. I wanted to lean farther back but it would press my nether region even more against his.

“Maheva’s genes were always strong,” he said. Bending his head, he inhaled my scent. His lips almost brushed the side of my neck. “She’s stamped her features on each of her girls, except that deliciously submissive Sevina. Too bad that one keeled over.”

My face snapped towards his as I glared at him, my hands gripping the edge of the desk to refrain from clawing at his face. The malevolent glimmer in his eyes confirmed he was taunting me, daring me to act. I never got to meet my younger sister, Sevina. As a hybrid Veredian-Guldan, my father had hidden me right after my birth, even from my own mother. He’d let her believe I had been stillborn so that he wouldn’t be forced to sell me to a collector. Forty-nine years had gone by before I finally got to meet my mother for the first time, and that had only been a few weeks ago. Because of her powerful kinetic abilities, my father had sent Sevina on a mission to retrieve what he had believed to be a large shipment of celesium, a rare metal worth a fortune. Instead, she’d found kaledium, a highly radioactive metal. Sevina had died from radiation poisoning soon after.

I held Doruk’s gaze, this time refusing to be intimidated or to bow to those backwards Guldan protocols.

His smile widened. “You have the same fire as your mother and Sevina’s daughter. Those arrogant little bitches. As much as I hated them, I would have given anything for a chance to fuck them into oblivion. Especially the tight cunt of that niece of yours, Amalia.”

I stared back at him, silently, refusing to let him rile me up.

“Maybe I’ll just fuck you,” Doruk said.

His hand slipped under my plunging neckline to cup one of my breasts. I pinched my lips but continued to stare at him in silence. Doruk flicked his thumb back and forth over my nipple, and then gave it a brutal tweak, making me hiss, before letting it go. His gaze followed the movement of his fingertips as he traced a line from my neck, around the curve of my shoulder, and down the length of my arm.

“I bet this soft skin of yours is a graft hiding some lovely Veredian markings,” Doruk said before locking eyes with me again, daring me to deny it.

I had enough.

“What do you want, Doruk?” I asked. “You want to fuck? Is that it? Is that your price to put an end to this farce so that we can finalize this business, and I can get my ass off this rock?”

His eyes widened at my unexpected outburst and crude language. As my guardian, by Guldan laws, he could discipline me for behavior that would no doubt be considered disrespectful. But I was done playing his game. If he intended to expose me, nothing I did or said would change a thing. However, my father wouldn’t have put me in this situation if he didn’t believe Doruk would do the right thing. And my father didn’t gamble, especially not when it came to his only daughter.

“Want to know what a hybrid pussy feels like?” I asked, placing both my hands on his ass and thrusting forward against him. “I don’t think Belduk will approve, but I’m sure there’s a surface around here we can use.”

Doruk painfully grabbed a fistful of my hair at the back of my head and pulled my face inches from his.

“You think I won’t call your bluff, little girl?” he asked, his breath fanning against my lips. “You think I’d have any qualms plowing that tight cunt of yours on that old bastard’s fancy furniture?”

He crushed my lips in a brutal kiss, his hand releasing my hair to close around one of my horns in a gesture of control, of dominance. His tongue forced its way into my mouth. I didn’t fight it, but I didn’t respond to its coaxing. Despite Doruk’s cock hardening against my stomach, my initial fear upon seeing him enter the room continued to wane.

He broke the kiss and locked eyes with mine. His smoldered. Under different circumstances, I might have consented to a horizontal dance with him. I didn’t care much for pretty men; I liked them big and brawny. Judging by the kiss, unwelcome though it was, Doruk clearly had some skill. But he was a monster who had raped and abused countless slaves, and threatened every female in my family.

“To answer your question,Guardian, I think you came here to honor my father’s wishes.”

Although he tried to hide it, I didn’t miss his slight flinch. As expected, I’d struck a nerve. Doruk was a bully. He enjoyed exercising his dominance over others just for the pleasure of watching their distress. But for all his faults, Doruk had been my father’s most loyal crew member.

“Your father was a fool,” Doruk grumbled. “He had the world at his feet and threw it all away for a female. Any Guldan would drag you home, fuck you senseless until the interest fades, and then sell you for the fortune we both know you’re worth.” His gaze roamed over me. “Like all Veredians, you’re hot as fuck.”

“But you won’t,” I said, matter-of-fact.

Shoving away my horn he’d been holding, he tossed my head back and finally moved away from me.

“Don’t get cocky with me, little girl. Your father saved my life twice and gave me a far better future than I could have ever hoped for. I would sell you in a heartbeat, but I have always known the day would come when he would collect. And so, I shall comply. But make no mistake, that debt of honor is now fully repaid. Once all this is signed, see that you leave Guldar before sunrise. As Gharah is my witness, if we cross paths again, I will make you my whore.”

Leaning forward, he picked up his scrambling device, deactivated it, and then shoved it in his pockets. He checked that his clothes weren’t a mess, then waved his hand over the motion sensor. I smoothed my fingers over my hair to fix it after the way Doruk had roughly handled me and glanced at my cleavage to make sure my breast wasn’t hanging out.

Belduk’s speculative eyes flicked between Doruk and me as he entered. I waited for both men to be seated before settling back in my chair next to my guardian.

“It is good to have you here to sort out this considerable inheritance, Sen Sidik,” Belkduk said.

I bristled but reined in my flaring temper.

“There is nothing to sort out,” Doruk said in a clipped tone. “Gruuk Vrok has bequeathed his entire estate to his daughter, Ravena Vrok, my ward, who I duly recognize in the female sitting beside me.”
