Page 2 of Anton's Grace

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“Ms. Hopper is here to see you.”

“Thank you, William,” a deep, gravelly voice said.

As soon as I entered, William walked out, closing the door behind him without giving me a chance to thank him. I swallowed and looked at the massive man sitting behind the desk. Obsidian eyes slowly undressed me before locking with mine. The intensity of his stare felt like a punch in the gut. I averted my eyes, unable to withstand his gaze. A strange smirk stretched his lips. I couldn’t tell if it was mocking or pleased.

The air filtering vent whispered above my head while I withstood Mr. Myers’ examination. He pointed at a chair. “Have a seat, Ms. Hopper.”

Grateful for the opportunity to get off my trembling legs, I obeyed. The empire red leather and mahogany chair was both beautiful and comfortable. Only Anton Myers could afford such extravagant Terran antiques. I crossed my legs demurely and folded my hands on my lap.

Why couldn’t this be an audition?

Then I wouldn’t be such a nervous wreck. Performing was my life. If the judges didn’t like my performance, they only needed to tell me what was wrong, what they wanted, and I’d do it. I liked following orders. It was easy – no need to think, worry or second guess your choices; just do.

“Let me guess, Ms. Hopper; you need help dealing with the… unpleasant situation your agent has left you in.” It wasn’t a question.

My eyes widened. “How do you—?”

“I make it my business to know what happens on my space station, Ms. Hopper.”

“O–Of course, you would.” With that one sentence, Anton managed to throw me completely off my already shaky game. “So, you understand my situation?”

Anton leaned back and, with his elbows on the armrests, pressed his fingertips together. “I understand your boyfriend dumped you. He left behind a large debt his creditors expect you to pay on his behalf… immediately.”

I tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “He’s not my boyfriend,” I said in a small voice.

Anton narrowed his eyes. “Since when?”

“A–A while,” I said, unnerved by the curtness of his voice. “At least a year.”

Anton’s brutish face twisted in anger. “Don’t fucking lie to me.”

Anton Myers was not a handsome man. The hybrid son of a human woman and a Braxian male, he greatly favored his father. A prominent forehead and thick brow ridge gifted him with a permanent scowl. His broad nose was flatter than a human’s and his jutting square jaw was wider. Anton’s one redeeming facial trait was his mouth; plump, perfectly drawn lips. He wasn’t repulsive, but he would never win a beauty contest. And right now, his anger intimidated the hell out of me.

“I’m not lying.”

He was out of his chair in an instant, circling the desk to tower over me. I gaped up at him, my blood rushing through my veins. How could I forget how ridiculously tall and large Anton was? I had to lie back in my chair to look up at his face, my ankle brushing against his leg.

“Barely six months ago, I saw you with Marcus Gayle on Lilith Hive. You seemed quite cozy then and he claimed you as his woman.”

“I promise, Mr. Myers, we were no longer together then. Marcus said it would stop customers harassing me.” I breathed heavily, my pulse racing.

Anton’s features lost their angry edge. Tension bled out of him while his eyes roamed like a caress over my body. Leaning down, he rested his large hands on the armrests of my chair, his face inches from mine. My breath caught in my throat. I felt like a rabbit caught in the snares of a predator.

His eyes bore into mine. “Do you know the size of his debt, Ms. Hopper?”

“Ten… Ten million credits.”

He snorted. “That was two weeks ago. The loan sharks have a ten percent interest rate per week once you miss your payment date. The debt is now over twelve million credits.”

My breath rushed out of me. How was I ever going to repay that? Convincing Anton to front me ten million had already seemed like an unlikely sale, but twelve?

“Assuming I decide to help you out of this predicament,” Anton said, his eyes studying every inch of my face, “how do you intend to repay me?”

For the hundredth time since the thugs barged into my hotel room, I kicked myself for bailing on my contract negotiation meetings. It was mind-numbingly boring. With Marcus taking care of me, it had been a non-issue. That also meant I was clueless as to what kind of numbers I brought in.

“I was hoping you’d let me perform for you in one of your venues. You would keep all the proceeds, minus whatever minimum I need for food and lodging. I draw good crowds—”

Anton threw his head back and laughed. Loudly. He straightened, shaking his head at me like I had lost my mind. He sauntered over to his mini-bar. While he poured a couple of drinks, I stared at his back, unable to decide if I felt more confused or offended. I was a good singer with a large following.
