Page 30 of Anton's Grace

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The next two weeks were like sitting in the eye of a storm. Things remained peaceful, quiet, yet you knew some serious shit would go down soon. Anton reverted to the distant, but mostly kind man of our first week. After soothing the bruising he had inflicted, he didn’t touch me for three days.

I felt in limbo, not quite knowing my purpose or what he wanted from me. Worse, wondering if more punishment awaited twisted my stomach with fear. I really wasn’t good with pain. At least, Anton didn’t want to do severe damage to me, which was a major relief. Despite his rage, Anton used Denax on me – a fast-acting muscle relaxant – right before I asked him not to take my ass. Even without giving it enough time to take effect fully, a few seconds would have spared me from tearing but not spared me from pain.

But he stopped.

And that gave me hope.

On the fourth day, we returned to our previous routine. He called me into his office to suck him off. Quickly, my initial fears that he would savagely fuck my face alleviated. Anton showed no aggression. He was almost tender in the way he caressed my hair and my face while I deep throated him. I was ok with this Anton. But would it last?

On the sixth day, he didn’t let me finish. Half-way through, he pulled me off him, laid me down on his desk and went down on me. I had forgotten what Anton could do with his tongue. I hadn’t had an orgasm since the day he took me against the wall with that cat tail in my ass. That wicked mouth of his got me off like a rocket. He didn’t stop. I climaxed once more before he took me.

Until that moment, I hadn’t realized how hollow I felt. How I had missed having him inside me. Not only the fullness but especially the gentle, careful way in which he took me until I adjusted to his girth. Only then did he surrender to passion. Despite still being torn by what he had done to me, I couldn’t help melting. He kissed me while riding me, which felt good. Anton’s mouth was heavenly, whichever set of lips he used it on. We didn’t kiss often. Kissing created intimacy and he wanted none of that between us. At least he didn’t seem to want to punish me anymore. I was content with this Anton.

Initially, I rejoiced finding out the Braxian delegation’s scheduled visit was delayed by another week. Yet, as the days trickled by and the date approached, I wished they hadn’t postponed. At least the nightmare would be over by now. However, wishful thinking wouldn’t change a thing. I pushed the unpleasantness of tomorrow away from my mind.

I didn’t know if Anton realized tonight marked our first month together. Well, okay, not together, but of the signing of our contract. Could that be the reason we were going to Risqué tonight? Wondering for hours what outfit he expected me to wear almost drove me insane. I wanted to flaunt one of the countless gorgeous outfits Anton bought for me. A little over two weeks passed since ‘the incident’ and I was all but under house arrest. Aside from vocal training, there were no opportunities to show off those outfits. And now I feared Anton would bring me another pet costume.

I remembered those human pets eating food off the floor as their masters tossed bits of meat to them. I shuddered, my hand unconsciously reaching for the collar. Is that what Anton had in mind for me tonight?

We’d be leaving soon, and I was running out of time to prepare. Bracing myself, I made my way to his office, hoping my inquiry wouldn’t trigger his anger. I hesitated in front of his door, itching to turn around and hightail it back to the bedroom. I shouldn’t be scared. Unlike the previous time, I wasn’t bringing up a sensitive topic. But Anton was too mercurial; a sweetheart one minute and a vicious monster the next. Inhaling, I knocked on his office door.

“Come in,” his muffled voice called out.

I opened the door and took a few hesitant steps inside. The absence of tension in Anton’s shoulders and the relaxed setting of his jaw made me breathe easier. He gave me an inquisitive look. A quick glance around the room didn’t reveal the presence of a box like the one that had contained the cat outfit.

I cleared my throat. “I was wondering if you have specific clothes for me to wear tonight.” I tucked my hair behind my ear.

He frowned. “Why would I…” The expression on his face changed as understanding dawned on him. “Right. No, Grace. I do not foresee the need for special outfits in the near future. You have a full wardrobe you can use.”

I couldn’t hold back the broad grin splitting my face. Relief and excitement made me giddy. Role-play could be a lot of fun, but not the way we did it last time. I nodded with enthusiasm, my mind already reviewing my wardrobe.

“Ok. I’ll go pick something then. Sorry for bothering you.”

As I turned to leave, he said, “That silver dress looked good on you.”

That was the dress I planned on wearing before he made me change into the cat costume.

“Sure, Anton. I’d be happy to wear that,” I said, facing him.

He rose from his chair and sauntered towards me. The light smile on his face reassured me that he held no ill intentions. Stopping before me, Anton let his eyes roam over every inch of my body. He slowly raised his hand and combed his fingers through my hair. I shivered at his touch.

“Leave your hair down,” he said with a soft voice, his eyes staring at the strands as they flowed through his fingers. “You have the most amazing hair. I want it unobstructed.”

“Okay,” I whispered, my breath catching in my throat.

Of course, he would want it down. He liked easy access to everything. His hand slid off my hair to cup my cheek. Eyes locked on my mouth, Anton slowly ran his thumb over my lips. My heart thumped in my chest. Kisses and cuddles were a big thing to me. I couldn’t get enough of them, but Anton hardly ever gave any. My lips parted, willing him to proceed.

When he leaned his head down to kiss me, I melted against him. My hands gripped his hair as if to make sure he wouldn’t pull away from me. The kiss was slow, deep and tender. He pulled me against him, his arms encircling me in a tight embrace. My nipples hardened and a slow fire ignited in the pit of my stomach. I could stay like this forever. Teasing, tasting, commanding, his tongue explored my mouth like a conqueror. When he broke the kiss, he chuckled at my disappointed whimper.

Our eyes met and something undefinable, yet powerful, passed between us. His thumb caressed my lips again before he let go. It took all my willpower not to pull him into my arms again. I felt cold and flimsy without his body against mine.

I’m so fucking pathetic.

Only minutes ago, I dreaded knocking on his door for fear he would go wild on my ass. Now, a caress and a kiss had me weak in the knees and begging for more. Knowing it and doing something about it though, were two completely different things.

“Go on,” he whispered. “There are a few things requiring my attention before I can get ready. I’ll join you shortly.”

I nodded and left him to his work.
