Page 4 of Anton's Grace

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I got up from my chair, my hands twitching and my stomach fluttering. Anton was an impressive specimen of manhood. What his face lacked in attractiveness, his body more than made up for. The skin-tight black t-shirt molded the muscular outline of his chest. I stood between his parted legs and placed my hands on his waist. The heat coming off his body made my palms tingle. Anton gave me an expressionless look as I leaned forward and pressed my chest to his.

When I brushed my lips against his, a sudden throb between my legs took me by surprise. I hadn’t had sex in more time than I cared to admit but didn’t expect to be aroused by Anton. This was a relief considering, enjoyment or not, I was his for six months. Then again, power and authority always turned me on. Judging by my current reaction, maybe our arrangement wouldn’t be so bad. I pressed my lips harder against his. His lips remained unresponsive, and I pulled back, baffled. He returned my gaze, his face void of emotion.

Oh shit… this is a test.

One I couldn’t afford to fail. Switching into audition mode, I felt more in my element. I licked my lips slowly, seductively, while running my hands up his stomach to his chest. Leaning in again, I nipped at his lower lip before sucking on it. My thumbs circled his erect nipples while my tongue teased his lips until they finally parted. I tasted the brandy on his breath. A deep moan rumbled from his chest and triumph swept over me.


I reveled in the sense of elation that washed over me as it always did when I made my audience go wild. Sinking my fingers in his long black hair, I deepened the kiss. Anton’s large hands covered my ass, pressing me against him. I could feel his shaft hardening. The dull throbbing between my legs reminded me once more that it had been too long since I’d had a man. He fisted my hair and pulled my head back, breaking the kiss. His lips followed my jaw line down to my neck. My pulse thundered in my ears, disturbing the otherwise silent room. I shivered when his hand slipped under my sarong, caressing its way up the back of my thigh, over my ass and onto my back. I thought Anton would tear my dress off, but his hand slipped back down. He pulled back, although he kept one arm around me.

“No bra… I approve.” His voice was thick with desire. “Lose the thong. From now on, you will not wear underwear unless I specifically tell you otherwise. I want free access to you at all times.”

“Yes, Mr. Myers,” I whispered, his commanding tone reverberating through me.

He snorted. “Considering you’ve just had your tongue down my throat, and I’m about to put my cock down yours, I think it’s okay for you to call me Anton.”

My face heated at his crude comment, and I instinctively licked my lips. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed. Anton ran his thumb over my lips, swollen by his kisses.

“I think I’m going to enjoy our time together, Grace.”

Anton looked over his shoulder and grabbed a datapad on his desk. He gave it a quick once over before extending it to me.

“This is our official agreement. Read it, sign it, and then I’ll have your debt settled.”

I took the datapad. Looking down at it in disbelief, the words blurred before me into a jumbled blob. “You already have a contract drawn up?”

“I told you I make it my business to know everything that happens on my space station. So yes, I knew you would come here and that there was a good chance you would accept my offer. Are you having second thoughts?”

I shook my head. “Where do I sign?”

“Didn’t I just say read it?” Anton snapped. “Have you learned nothing from your current situation? You can’t simply take what you’re told on faith. Life isn’t just about singing and looking pretty on stage. Read the damn contract so you know what you’re committing to. How do you know I haven’t changed its duration to a lifetime of indentured service?”

I felt hot and cold at the same time. He shouldn’t have needed to tell me that. I was stupid and lazy when it came to this stuff. That’s why I relied on Marcus. It was embarrassing that Anton saw my flaws so easily. Duly chastised, I sat back down on the empire chair and read the contract. Thankfully, it was concise with none of that convoluted lawyer crap.

After skimming through the first few clauses, I reached a worrisome one which stated I couldn’t be sexually involved with a third party unless Anton ordered it. Did that mean he intended to lend me? Marcus hadn’t been the faithful type, always pushing me for an open relationship. But that didn’t work for me – I didn’t share and didn’t want to be shared. However, even if Anton confirmed that’s what he meant, I was in no position to argue with him. Since I would sign regardless, leaving that fight to a later date seemed wiser.

Once done reading, I pressed my thumb on the signature box. He didn’t hide the look of triumph on his face when I handed the datapad over. This was too easy. I came expecting to beg and plead. It almost felt like a setup. Disturbed by the thoughts racing through my mind, I watched him sit behind his desk and tap the com.

“Anton?” William’s voice asked over the com.

“William, please see that Ms. Hopper’s creditor issue is settled immediately. And make it clear, any further debt incurred by Marcus Gayle is his alone. Grace is under my protection.”

“On it.”

Anton ended the call. His pitch-black eyes rested on me with a predatory glint. “At last, Ms. Hopper, you’re mine.”

Chapter 2


Icouldn’t stop feasting my eyes on the beauty before me. Grace became my obsession from the first time I saw her on the dingy stage of Jeruna. I wanted her from the moment I laid eyes on her. Everything was wrong with her show; it was vulgar, amateurish, and she clearly lacked vocal training. And yet, when I heard the first notes sung by her raspy voice, they penetrated my soul and set my blood on fire. I knew then, no matter the cost, she would be mine. I had to have her.

The only reason I was on that backwater planet was to conclude the deal that would cement my rising fortune. To celebrate the signing, the investors and I decided to see a performance I was told would fit nicely in my lineup. Grace happened to be the opening act. She claimed to be eighteen when she had actually been sixteen, too young to legally perform on that stage.

When I tried to talk to her, the young beauty shunned me, repulsed by my brutish face. At twenty-two, being a Braxian-human hybrid, I was used to rejection, though my increasing wealth made that a less frequent occurrence. But hers left a deep scar on my heart. The rejection, I could accept. Why would she want an ugly bastard like me? But it was the mockery and public humiliation she and her friends subjected me to that I couldn’t… wouldn’t forgive. She didn’t remember our first encounter, but Braxians never forgot a slight to their honor or clan.

I didn’t retaliate back then; Marcus protected her well. So I bided my time. In the shadows, I created the opportunities that would lead her to me on the Venus Hive pleasure barge when the time was right… when that delectable forbidden fruit was ripe. That her deadbeat ex-boyfriend delivered her onto my lap was an added bonus.
