Page 80 of Anton's Grace

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Trent sneered, pure malice shining in his eyes. The small hair at the back of my head stood on end.

“See, I can’t do that,” he drawled, pulling a small controller from his pocket. “This contract says the bitch goes to my client and I take my client back to a safe location. But I’ve got to give it to you guys for finding out so quickly. Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to get the hell off my ship, release the damn grapplers, and let us off the station, without pursuit.”

“Over my dead body,” I said.

“And mine,” Marcus said, stepping forward.

“Then you two boys might as well keel over now,” Trent said. He waved the controller in front of us. William’s expression darkened. “See this little trinket here? If you don’t get the fuck off my ship in the next thirty seconds, I’m going to activate it. And when I do, that little cunt out back isn’t going to be so pretty anymore and not so alive either.”

I took a couple of steps forward. Trent raised the remote and waved it again.

“Eh! That’s close enough, pal.”

“You’ve said your piece, now letmetell you what is going to happen,” I said. “You’re not getting off this station with her. And you’re not going to kill her. If you do, not only will you have no leverage left, but I will destroy you in the slowest, most painful way. Now take me to her and I might show you mercy.”

Trent held my stare. Reading my unwavering determination, his face hardened.

“You’re not going to leave this ship, are you?” He chuckled sadly. “Mercy, my ass. You Braxians, mutts included, don’t know the meaning of that word. You’re going to kill me no matter what.”

He was right. I would kill him. How painfully depended on the state I found Grace in.

“Give me my woman, Trent.”

“Fuck you, Myers, and fuck that cunt. You’re never getting her back.”

As if in slow-motion, I saw myself lunging at him. Even as I grabbed him, his thumb activated the detonator. I slammed him against the wall. Trent screeched as his spine shattered against the hard surface. Boneless, he collapsed on the floor. The remote flew out of his grasp. I watched it bounce on the metal plating, knowing the implant had gone off. The sound of my blood rushing through my veins deafened me. Marcus cried out Grace’s name and scrambled for the remote.

My fingers felt frozen, the numbing cold spreading through my body. Dazed, I ignored William’s voice calling out to me. I stumbled towards the back room and slapped my hand on the opening mechanism. I needed to see her with my own eyes. The door slid open. The room reeked of Denax, blood and burnt metal. The BDSM paraphernalia barely registered in my brain. All I saw was Gerwin standing before a bathroom door with a laser torch in hand.

She locked herself inside.

Gerwin’s bleeding, ravaged face told me Grace fought for her life. She must have sat there, hoping, praying for me to rescue her. And I failed.

I’m so sorry, my love.

Gerwin turned at the sound of my footsteps. He took a defiant step towards me, while the others gathered behind me.

“I demand a Trial by Combat,” Gerwin wheezed, his lip lopsided.

“You get to demand nothing, Gerwin the anCaldes,” Elder Montag said. “You violated your banishment.”

“Have you not brought enough shame to Clan Caldes?” Elder Curbis said, stepping beside me.

“He’s a mutt!” Gerwin roared. “He impregnated the human!”

“I’m going to kill you, Gerwin,” I said, my voice strangely flat. “I’m going to kill you for ever touching my woman.”

“Touching her, mutt?” Gerwin chuckled. “I didn’t just touch her. I fucked her face real good.” He gestured holding a head and thrusting his hips forward. “Broke her jaw too. She won’t be singing any time soon. Might have also ripped her pussy.” Even bleeding and wheezing, he smirked, looking satisfied. “That is, after I beat that abomination you put in her belly to a pulp.”

He was taunting me, hoping I would lose it. With Trial by Combat, his fault would be forgiven if he won. Gerwin banked on his superior size and strength. However, the damage Grace inflicted on him could give me an edge.

It was odd that I hadn’t attacked him already. But losing Grace killed something inside me.

My will… I have no more will to live.

Then I saw a bloodied clump of hair – Grace’s hair – torn from her scalp. It lay on the floor, discarded. Something snapped inside me. My neck tensed, my temperature rose. A red curtain fell before my eyes as a deep, feral growl erupted from my throat.

Gerwin’s eyes widened, and I heard the Elders intake a sharp breath behind me.
