Page 12 of Bringing Ember Home

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I understand how she can be distrustful. The best way to go ahead with her mom is just to be absolutely honest and tell her the truth. No matter how bad it might look or sound.

“No. I want to be with Ember. But I’m also not going to pass her around and share her. Or get her drunk so she’ll have sex with me. And let’s not forget I didn’t marry her mom so I’d be able to fuck her the first opportunity I’m given.”

A long pause is all that greets me for a pregnant moment and then, “Touche. I could just vomit.”

“Try living with it for eighteen years before you can leave.”

“Oh God.”


“I realize I have no right to ask anything of you…,” As the mother of the woman I want to make mine, she has every right to ask but I let her finish before saying anything, “Please keep her safe. Don’t let Roger anywhere near her.”

“I think you already know you don’t have to worry about that. Just…don’t expect me to give her back.”

There’s a long pause before she says another word but when she does it causes me to like her even more, “That’s her choice. Not yours or mine.”


“I’m starting divorce proceedings as soon as possible and will be on the first flight out. I have to find a place for me and Ember to go and get all our stuff packed and…a hundred other things.” I can hear how close to crying she is. “I never would have married him if I had known he was…like this.”

“I have a storage building I keep some extra parts in. I can call a moving company and have them take all your stuff there.”

“I couldn’t ask you to do that for me, Hunter. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Well, now I know where Ember gets it.” I can hear the question before she asks it.


“The need to not be a burden on someone else. The giver who doesn’t like to take anything for herself. Don’t worry, Brenda. I got your back. Not because I find your daughter hot and want to spend forever with her but because I'm very aware of how it feels to get fucked over by my family. God knows it’s happened enough to me.”

Silence greets me until she finally says more, “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but I think…if I was your mom, I would be so proud of who you’ve become despite all you’ve had to go through and I’m sure she’s very proud of you.”

I blink quickly in order not to be a total loser and start crying just because Ember’s mom told me she was proud of me and mentioned my mom.

“Thank you…for taking care of Ember and bringing her home with you.”

“Above all, over everything, my loyalty is to her.”

“That’s all I could ever hope for and all I want to hear.”

We hang up after I give her the number of a lawyer who owes me a favor, leaving me alone with my thoughts and my sweet little Ember. I turn the television off and sit for a long time letting my hands trace over the rise and fall of all her curves before I slide out from under her and scoop her up.

“Come on, Baby. Let’s get you into our bed.” And doesn’t that have a beautiful ring to it.

Chapter Twelve



He snuggles into me and runs his hands down my body. I’m floating halfway between sleep and wakefulness, but I can definitely tell Hunter is snuggled up against me. And then I’m being pulled on top of him so he can reach more of me. His face nuzzles into my neck and hair.

“You are so sexy and soft, Baby. So perfect.” His words make the corners of my mouth tilt up into a smile. “Do you mind if I…?”

He thrusts upward to show me what he means, what he’s asking. “Mmm, are you asking me if it’s okay?”

“Yeah.” His hands go still and he waits for my answer. The fact he asks makes me like him more, fall for him just a little harder.
