Page 20 of Bringing Ember Home

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Without thinking I scream out as my back arches and my body convulses around his tongue which he has speared inside of me again. Having something inside of me when I cum is a new experience and one that transforms my orgasm into something more, something deeper and more intense.

If it’s like this with his tongue, what is it going to be like when he’s put that long, thick monster inside of me? And what do I have to do to make him want to put it where his tongue is? Questions like that tumble through my mind as I lay exhausted and drained on his desk. I jump when I feel his thickness nestle in the valley of my pussy. We’ve done this a couple of times before, but this is somehow different.

It doesn’t take him long before warmth hits my lower belly and splashes across the mound of my pussy. I reach down but he stops me by taking my hand in one of his while pulling my panties back in place. He brings it to his mouth and places a kiss not on the back but on the palm of my hand then closes my fingers over it like he’s given me something he wants kept safe. When he goes to grab my shorts out of the floor, I bring the hand to my chest and hold it tight to me. Is he showing me more than he is saying? Does it mean more to him than I think it does? Did he just give me something much more intimate, deeper, than a kiss on the hand?

Chapter Seventeen



I watch as she walks out of the office, faint greasy handprints on the back pockets of her shorts resting on the curves of her ass. But that’s not the only mark I’ve left on her. Her lips are swollen from my kisses, her hair looks sexy and tousled and not like it was when she got her. My guys have smartly taken a lunch break and are nowhere to be seen.

I follow her and make sure she gets back up to the apartment safely before I go back downstairs to get some more work done. I’m not opening tomorrow so the men are a little more relaxed than they normally would be. So much so that I just let them go home early so I too can head upstairs to where I know Ember is waiting for me. Tomorrow her mom comes back home, and I’ll have to fight another battle to get Ember comfortable with us being together in front of her mom, but tonight Ember is fully mine.

When I come up the girls are in the kitchen laughing and…baking. The whole place smells like pumpkin pie. And it is delicious.

“So…are you going to tell your mom about you and Hunter?”

I pause in the doorway not wanting them to know I’m here until I hear her answer. “I don’t know. I…I’m not even sure there is a me and him. I don’t want to embarrass him by saying something when he’s just trying to be nice to me.”

“Ember you don’t sleep with someone you’re ‘just being nice’ to. There is totally a you and him and I know Hunter, he’s not going to be shy about telling anyone.”

“So…you think he likes me.”

Mandy gives her an expression of shock, her brows high and her mouth open, “You are so…innocent.” She gives Ember a shove before they both start giggling again.

“You’re just as innocent as I am. Unless you and Dunn have done more than just have a lunch date.”

“Shut up! I am not saying a word. If my brother…” I make a sound so both girls turn to look at me wearing twin expressions of guilt.

“What?” I play it up like I just came in and didn’t hear Ember’s worry I might not want her mom to find out about us. She doesn't know me and her mom has already talked about it. I fight back the urge to take her to the bedroom and show her how serious I am about us. But I have to have patience.

The next day all three of us are in the kitchen cooking when a knock lands on the door. I'm already sure who it is so I send Ember to the door to answer it. When she opens the door her face lights up and she throws herself into the arms of her mother.

“Mom! Mom, you’re back! You made it!”

She told Ember last night she wasn't sure if she was going to make it because of all the travelers coming and going. Ember turns and offers me a brilliant smile. “Hi, Brenda. Did you have any trouble finding us?”

“No, the Uber guy knew exactly where you lived. Apparently, you fixed a bike for him last year and he thinks you are ‘so cool’.” She gives us a little grin. Mandy rushes over to hug her and brings her into the kitchen with Ember following.

“Do you want to take a shower or catch a nap? We’ve pretty much taken over Hunter’s bathroom so there are like five different shampoos that don’t smell like man. And oh, we have some amazing bath bombs. You could relax and then join us for dinner.”

“I would actually love to help you guys cook. If there’s room.”

“There’s always room, Brenda,” I assure her and slide over so she can start cutting celery for the stuffing.

By the time we’ve all sat down to eat all of us have laughed and cried and eaten until we can’t do it anymore. Mandy picks a spot in the floor to sack out and is gone before the movie we are watching is five minutes in. I look over at Ember’s mom and she gives me a knowing smile and nod.

“You want to go for a ride?”

“Oh, um, now?” She looks at Mandy lying in the floor and then over at her mom who is dozing in the chair.

I nod and hold out my hand. She takes it and before she can come up with a good reason for us to stay I have her out the door. The weather has changed and today is colder than yesterday so instead of the bike, we take the car. When we drive I don’t let go of her hand, instead driving one-handed most of the way.

I take a turn onto a road that leads into a little community of homes that have been decorated for the holiday. Some people are out in their yards putting up lights and decorating their houses. I pull into one of the driveways to a house sitting on one of the corners. She looks around at where we are before turning a confused expression towards me.

Chapter Eighteen
