Page 25 of Bringing Ember Home

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My brows go high in surprise as I watch Mandy turn white. I start towards the couple and catch Hunter coming out of the kitchen with hell in his eyes. I head him off looking back at Mandy. “Look I can give you about fifteen minutes but then you have to figure this out on your own.”

She calls after me, “Thank you, Em!”

The last I see of them is Mandy grabbing Dunn by the jacket and pulling him out of the hall. I meet Hunter with a kiss and hug keeping him from going for Dunn. “Listen, she’s the same age I am, he’s already trying to get her to marry him, and they need time to figure their own stuff out.” I put my lips to his ear after pulling his head down, “And I need you.”

He looks down at me before sweeping me up in his arms.

“She better be glad I need a taste of my favorite little Christmas pie or else I would be all over that boy.” I giggle as he takes me up the stairs and to the room we share. He’s already given me the best gift in the world. He brought me home with him, kept me safe, and gave me his heart. What more could I ever ask for?

Epilogue II


Graduation Day


I watch as she comes walking over to me wearing the little black dress I helped her pick out. I love seeing her so happy. I love knowing I put that smile on her face. She jumps at me knowing I will catch her, always. I twirl her around but only once. Her tummy is…fragile these days and I don’t want to be the reason she tosses her cookies on such a special day.

“Did you see?”

“I did. You were amazing and didn’t stumble once.”

She was worried she would fall on the stairs either going up or coming down, especially with her graduation gown on. She gives me a glowing smile and turns to find Mandy, her hand resting on the slight bump hidden under the soft fabric of her dress giving away the fact she is stuffed full of our growing child. She was worried about looking good today, even though she had nothing to worry about. Ever. She’s not even really showing unless you really look, and if someone is looking that hard, I will be right behind her ready to bust their fucking head in.

Mandy comes out of the crowd, right behind her the big bastard she’s got wrapped around her pinkie trailing after her. She’s not having as good a time with her pregnancy as Ember is and stays sick a lot. But then again, my little Ember isn’t having twins so that could be why.

“Are you ready to go? My feet are killing me and I could care less who wants to go bar hopping afterwards.”

“I was waiting for you. You feeling okay?” Even though she asks my sister, she looks at Dunn standing behind Mandy. Mandy isn’t great about telling us when she’s had a bad morning or when something has kept her up all night. But Dunn, he lets everyone know what she needs and when she needs to rest or eat.

“She’s probably hungry. Are you hungry, sweets?”

She rolls her eyes, and a grumpy look stretches across her face but then nods. “Yes. I hate how you can just tell. How do you always know?”

He chuckles and wraps his arms around her. Dunn wasn’t about to wait for Mandy to say yes. He kidnapped her after Christmas, took her to his family’s cabin and they came back in time to see the ball drop with us…married.

“Let’s go eat. I’m starving too.” Ember takes Mandy by the hand, and we all walk out to the car where Brenda is already waiting.

She gives them both hugs and hands them a snack before handing the keys to me. She had come out specifically to grab their snacks for them. We all head over to mine and Ember’s house where Brenda has set up a small after-graduation party for the girls and Dunn who graduated with them. I have plans of my own for my little graduate, but they don’t include anything we can share with others.

I let her have her time as I always do, watching as she laughs and eats and celebrates with her mom and Dunn and Mandy. But eventually, I draw her away from the others and take her up the stairs that lead to our bedroom.

“Hunter, we have everyone downstairs.”

“Did that stop me at Christmas?” I walk over to her and bury my face in the nape of her neck. “Did that keep me from you on New Year’s Eve or Day?”

She giggles as I tickle the spot right behind her ear with my breath on purpose. I unzip the dress and help her slip it from her arms. She might tell me there are people downstairs, but she isn’t telling me no either.

I sweep her up in my arms and carry her over to our bed. I gently lay her on top of the covers and take a moment to look at what has been gifted to me. Her soft skin, her bright smile, her warmth, her heart, are all things that I can never do enough to be worthy of but I’m going to try every day. Every time I open my eyes, I am going to try to be a better man for her, try to not take a second for granted, and to be thankful this bright light came into my life and helped me learn to live, helped me learn to love.

And I do love her. I love Ember with my whole soul. Everything about her is perfect to me, everything about her being with me is magical. It’s fitting that we consummated our love on Thanksgiving in our new house because that is a word I keep close when thinking about Ember. Thankfulness. Grateful. Blessed.

But right now, all I can look at is my pretty wife lying on our bed waiting for me to make her cum. And I don’t want to disappoint my princess. I take her mouth with mine and kiss her breathless as I let my hands roam over her lace-clad body. Our tongues duel with one another before sliding together in more of a caress than a duel.

I slowly take her bra off and help her out of her panties as I run my mouth all over her body stopping to latch my mouth on her swollen nipples. Her breasts have grown larger with the pregnancy and so sensitive I can make her cum by playing with them some nights. But I’m after something a little sweeter. I kiss over her belly, over the now-home of our little bean and gently spread her thighs apart.

Dropping to my belly I take in the scent of my lover and place my mouth on her. I run my tongue up the valley of her pussy and delight in the sweet taste. She’s definitely gotten sweeter since I put my kid in her little womb. And I might be addicted. But then again, I was already addicted to this woman’s sweet pussy before I knocked her up. Hell, I’m addicted to every part of her. And always have been, from the moment I first saw her.

I work her clit with my tongue until she gives me what I want and then come up her body to slip inside. The way she hugs my cock causes me to moan out before I instinctively rock my hips. She gasps and reaches for me. I lean forward but don’t put any of my weight on her. Our lips meet and I share the taste of her sweetness with her.

I keep it sweet and slow, so our orgasms sneak up on us and take our breaths. Her body clenches around mine, mine grows and swells in hers and both of us moan out as we rush to the highest high.

“Oh my God, Hunter. That was…the best grad gift ever.” She giggles afterwards and lays her head on my chest since I flipped us both over to rest until the afterglow fades.

“It’s not over my love. I plan to give you that gift several times tonight after everything quietens down. And as for the best gift…I’m pretty sure you’ve already given that to me the day you agreed to come home with me.”

I can feel her smile against me and I wear one of my own thinking about the first time we went home together. The first time I said to hell with everything and everyone else and followed my heart. And I’ve never had a moment’s regret. The best decision I ever made was bringing Ember home.

The End!
