Page 34 of Mother's Day Inn

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Grabbing hold of her thighs, I yank her to the end of the bed and drop my slacks enough to free my throbbing erection.

Her bottom lip disappears as I run a thumb over the head, wiping the precum over it. When I line it up with her entrance, I’m almost sure she stops breathing.

A soft smirk pulls at the corner of my lips as I tilt my head to the side, a silent question lingering between us.

It only takes her a second to answer with a nod and heady sigh.


Isay the single word and only hope he knows I’m agreeing to so much more than sex.

I’m saying yes to him. To trying to navigate these feelings, and allow whatever the hell this is to flourish.

I wasn’t with Sam for any longer than a pair of half-dedicated high school sweethearts, but never have I felt so comfortable. So understood.

It goes well beyond the desire or the need to feel wanted. What Theo is suggesting is something real. Something that could not only last but could be amazing, and I want that.


I can’t keep recycling my ex’s rhetoric about women being options even after you’re in a committed relationship. I was burned, yes, but that doesn’t mean I can’t cook again, and something tells me being in a kitchen with Theo is a much different experience.

“You’re doing it again.” Theo’s voice cuts through my thoughts, pulling me back to him. “Zoning out. Only this time, I’m not sure I should be offended because I have my cock an inch away from your cunt.”

A fire burns across my cheek. “No, no. I was just thinking about this. About us.”

He quirks a brow, his dimple popping as he smirks. His heated gaze rakes over me for a moment before he leans forward and runs the head of his dick through my slit.

My eyes squeeze shut, and I arch my back, the resounding tingles radiating from the spot, making my entire body tense with need.

“Tell me, mama. What about us were you thinking about?”

I try to peel my lids open, but then he does it again, over and over, dragging the head across my sensitive clit, the metal balls of his piercing making me jolt closer to him. I can barely find my damn breath, let alone string together a coherent sentence.

“Come on, Olivia, focus. Use those pretty words.” He continues his torture for a few more passes, pausing on the last stroke to probe my entrance.

“Theo.” I manage a breathy hiss. My skin is scorching, beads of sweat already sprouting at the edges of my temples. Every nerve is on high alert, each sense heightened.

“Yes?” he teases, pushing in until my eyes flash open and I gasp. But as quickly as he does it, he pulls back, and my entire muscular system erupts, my vision going slightly blurry. “Tell me what you were thinking about.”

“About what will happen after this,” I force out, my voice somewhere between desperate and angry. I’ve already come twice tonight, but never in my life have I been more turned on. More overwhelmed with the need to have him inside me. It’s a horrible ache, growing rapidly the longer he’s not filling me with every inch.

He quirks a brow again. “So there’s anusafter this?”

I saw my bottom lip between my teeth, slowly nodding. I’d thought I’d feel more vulnerable, nervous even, but instead, I’m excited, ready to see what we make out of it.

Theo’s dark eyes glimmer as he pauses all movement. “I get to keep you?”

Doing my best to hide the smile playing at my lips, I nod again. “Iget to keep you.”

Instead of saying anything, he gives me a grin I’ve never seen before. It’s lopsided and boyish, like he didn’t think the decision was ever a real possibility, and now he couldn’t be happier.

He leans forward, brushing his lips against mine briefly before examining my face. Dozens of unspoken things flashes through them but instead of saying any of them, the smile drops, and in its place is the hungry man who’s been waiting for his meal as he grabs either side of my hips. His fingers dig into the flesh as he lines himself up.

Then, with one final search over my face with his dark eyes, he slams inside me in a single hard thrust.

I cry out, my hands clawing at the blanket above my head as his cock stretches me just past comfortable. He doesn’t give me time to adjust to his size as he pulls out and drives back in.

Theo does this again and again, his pace long, and thrusts hard enough that I gasp every time his hips meet mine.
