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It’s somehow both exhilarating and nerve-wracking because I don’t know the answer. If he did, was he turned on by it, or disgusted? Doubt seeps into my pores as I start the shower and step inside, not bothering to give it time to heat up. A good dose of cold water might splash some sense over me. I’m acting out of character. Doing things I’ve never in my life let escape the cramped cell in my mind.

I shower quickly, get out, and dry off, squeezing what water I can from my hair. When I walk back to my room, my heart falls as I realize not only is Elliot’s room dark, it’s empty.

Dammit.He saw. He saw and thought I was a complete perv.

A heavy sigh escapes me as I turn left into my room and slump onto the end of the bed. How could I be so crass? Why didn’t I just wait—

“It’s crazy how being back here feels.” Elliot’s sudden voice causes me to suck in a sharp breath, my hand flying to my chest in hopes of keeping my heart behind the bone.

He grins, his voice low. “You alright? I didn’t mean to scare you.”

I nod a little too frantically, swallowing the lump in my throat. “Yeah, I just–I thought you left.”

His brows furrow as he tilts his head to the side, a still-wet clump of sandy hair falling over his forehead. “What would give you that impression?”

Shrugging, I rub my chest. “I assumed you decided to go home. You did say you had an early morning, so I thought maybe you just chose to go now instead.”

Elliot pauses, his gaze narrowing. The tension in the space between us swells, the memory of everything that’s happened over the past hour filling in the pockets in between. Each second ticking by only makes it thicker, the stillness so palpable it’s hard to do anything else but wait.

But wait for what, I don’t know.

Finally, Elliot’s eyes flicker to the bed behind me. It’s still the same muted green down comforter I picked out in my botanical phase. “If I ask you something, will you tell me the truth even if you don’t want to?”

He totally heard me.

Heat coasts across my face, wrapping around my ears and falling down my neck. “Yes.”

His gaze flashes to mine and I freeze, my heart stalling in my chest. “Back then, did you ever wish I came in here? Woke you up and took you?”

A shiver runs through me, and I force the words out. “Honestly, you could have left me asleep and I wouldn’t have cared. I just wanted you.”

A glimmer of something I can’t read passes over him as he nods, my blush growing deeper the longer he remains silent.

Finally, he nods, a smirk playing at the edge of his lips. “And now? Would you still want me to leave you asleep?”

My bottom lip folds beneath my teeth as I whisper the answer. The confession. “Yes.”

His gaze flits to the bed one more time before he yawns. “Goodnight, sweetheart. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

And without waiting for a response, he turns and walks into his room, but pauses at the threshold to look over his shoulder.

“Unless that’s what you want. If so, just leave the door open.”

Then, his door slips shut.

It takes an hour before Adelina stops tossing and turning, her grumbles of malcontent with each flip finally fading as sleep takes her. Then it takes another hour before I’m sure Mary and my father have fallen deep asleep as well. Waiting has been comparable to torture, the seconds feeling like hours as I stared at the back of my old door, counting the ridges and lines of the white-coated wood.

My heart has steadied but my mind has raced, visions of Adelina in the treehouse, ready to give me all of her if I asked, invading every thought. Her on the other side of the bathroom door, listening to me fuck myself to a fantasy of her, and the answer to my question before I left her for bed only fanning the flames.

My cock stiffens at the notion of her asleep, her body still, her beautiful face serene and content right before I slip my tongue into her tight little cunt, or push my cock past her sealed lips. So many possibilities, so many ways I could wake her with an orgasm.

It’s all I thought about every single night I had to lay in this bed knowing everything I wanted was just on the other side, and tonight, I finally get to act on it.

It takes more self-control than I knew I was capable of to wait the extra hour and a half to make sure Adelina is in REM sleep. So when the alarm on my phone dings quietly, I nearly jolt up, my cock stiffening in anticipation.

I’m careful when I open my door, twisting the handle softly before pushing it ajar. Adelina’s door is wide open, her alarm clock the only source of light penetrating the dark space. The faint white color illuminates her silhouette in a soft glow, leading me into the room. I close her door and lock it, careful not to make a sound. My steps are slow and cautious, and the closer I get to the bed, the harder blood pounds through my veins.

As I approach, her soft noises reach my ear. The little hums of contentment are cute, and my dick aches to contort them into screams of pleasure.
