Page 17 of Roped By the Cowboy

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“Good. I love you.” She smiles at me when I walk out the door.

“I love you too, Granny!”

And with that I head out to my truck, making one little detour to my barn. One of the guys eyes me with a smirk.

I tip my hat and he grins, shaking his head but he’s wise enough not to say anything.

Tossing my stuff into the truck, I hit the gas and peel out of there, impatient to get to Misty.

Impatient to end this right now.

It only takes a quick ten-minute drive to get to the ranch next door but by the time I’m turning off into the long driveway, there’s a text on my phone and I grin when I see that Louise and Margot have been busy.

“All clear.”

Nodding my head, I can’t help the little smirk that tugs at my lips.

Now I just have to catch my pretty prey by surprise. Most guys wouldn’t do this this way, but I’m desperate to end this weird part of our lives and get to the good stuff.

I pull up to the ranch and look around. I see that the barn door is open and nod my head. She’s in there.

I grab my supplies and tuck one thing in my pocket, the other I keep in my hand.

Then I quietly make my way to the barn, surprised that she didn’t hear me pull up.

But I understand why when I cross the threshold and see her wearing a pair of earbuds and singing in that God-awful way that happens when people sing with headphones on.

I wince when she hits a particularly high note and her voice breaks, struggling to hold back the laugh that’s choking me.

I eye the dimensions of the barn and know it’s gonna be a little tough to make this shot but since I’m a rodeo grand champion… I know I can do it.

Holding it in a narrow circle, I twirl the rope and then swing it out quickly, snapping it when it sails over her unsuspecting head. The rope goes taut, and she shrieks, dropping her pitchfork and trying to swing around.

But I’ve got her caught fair and square and I run at her, grabbing her up and swinging her over my back. Her earbuds fall to the ground and she snarls, “What the hell?”

Then she stills and her body goes rigid. “Sebastian.”

I don’t say anything. Just haul her cute ass outside and dump her in my truck, pulling a smaller piece of rope out and tying her hands in front of her. Her eyes widen and she glares at me.

“Have you lost your mind?” She turns to jump out and I tie another piece around her feet, swinging them back inside the cab.

“Nope,” I drawl. “Just found it and my balls apparently. According to the grannies.”

“You’re crazy!” She breathes, her cheeks flushed.

“Nope. I’m not. I just needed time to figure out how to handle you.”

Her brows lift. “And you thought rope was it?”

“Yep.” Then I slam the door and shut in her protests. After I hop up in the cab, she starts to open her mouth and I can tell she’s about to tell me off. I hold up my hand.

“Don’t make me gag you. We’re gonna work this out. I’m not putting up with this shit anymore.”

She turns with a jerk and stares out the window, ignoring me.

“You can do that now. But we’re finally gonna talk.”

Ten minutes of silence gets us back to my place and I see that most of the guys are gone. Ricky is getting into his truck to leave and my cousin stares at me as I haul Misty, tied, out of the truck. He laughs so loud that a pair of crows fly away with a squawk.
