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I could feel my blood pressure rising. I was feeling overwhelmed. Not just by Olivia, but by everything. I couldn’t get my parents’ trip out of the back of my mind. Where were they going and for what? What was my dad not telling me?

Chapter Forty-Five


Beau rubbed his forehead, and for a moment, he looked just like his father. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to rant or anything.” I could see the stress lines on his forehead.

“It sounds like the ranch plays a wonderful role in the community.” I thought for a moment. “And it sounds like you’re not really sure about creating this eco-retreat.”

“You’re right on both accounts.” He sighed. “I don’t know how I feel about a bunch of strangers coming to the land and possibly defacing it, littering the environment, or being a noise nuisance.” He gave me a wry smile. “My family has owned this land for generations, but we consider ourselves caretakers. It’s our responsibility to preserve it for future generations of humans and animals.”

“I understand.” I touched his hand lightly. He looked at me in surprise. “I’m glad you care enough to do the right thing.”

“I’m trying.” He nodded. “So, I wanted to talk to you about the cabins we’re planning on building.”


“I want them to all have a real cohesive but unique feel, and I’d love your help. I thought maybe tomorrow we could ride—” He paused and then shook his head. “Actually, maybe we’ll drive to the spot I had in mind.”

“When do I get to ride?” I pouted, teasing him.

“Right now, if you want.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me. “You can even do the reverse cowgirl.”

“Beau Hamilton!”

“Am I in trouble?” He sat back and laughed. “In all seriousness, we can ride for fun in the morning before breakfast, and then after breakfast, we can go out to the spot I have in mind.”

“That sounds wonderful.” I wasn’t really sure what to say. “I would definitely love to help, but is it a feasible project for me? Don’t you want someone based in Montana? Someone with experience?”

“Olivia, I have faith in you.”

“But you haven’t even seen any of my designs.” I wrinkled my nose. “Is this because you feel bad?”

“Feel bad about what?”

I blushed. “About what you said.”

“What I said?”

“You know . . . on the phone.”

“Why would I feel bad about the truth?” He shook his head. “I like you, Olivia, I do. I think you’re a beautiful woman, but I’m in no position to get into any sort of relationship right now.”

“But you’re willing to sleep with me?”

“I mean, if you beg.”

“That’s not funny.” I glared at him. It hurt me more than it should have. Obviously, I didn’t know this man well, and he had been upfront and honest from the beginning. He wasn’t looking for a relationship. And it wasn’t like I hadn’t met hundreds of men before him who had been up for a bounce in bed but didn’t want anything more. I hadn’t cared enough to be offended or upset; I’d just sent them on their way.

But Beau was different. He was a good guy, the sort of guy you could depend upon. A guy who was strong, honest, compassionate, caring, sweet, and sexy as hell. He was that one-in-a-million guy. I hadn’t known him long, but already, I knew that. I’d just met him at the wrong point in his life—which was just my luck.

I supposed there was a reason why he’d been named the most eligible cowboy, and it was more than just the net worth of his ranch. I wasn’t going to allow myself to be sad, though; it wasn’t something I could control. We lived in two completely different states anyway.

“Okay, you don’t have to beg. I’ll still do it.” He winked. “And if you’re feeling tired, you don’t even have to be on top.”

“Beau, really?”

“What?” He laughed and leaned over and kissed my nose. “Did you know that when you get upset, you wrinkle your nose up and glare?”
