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“If you mean did we sleep together, that’s a personal question, Sadie.” I kind of laughed. “But because I like you, I’ll answer it, and the answer is no. No, we did not sleep together.”

“Oh.” she pouted. “That sucks.”

“Why does that suck? It would suck if we had slept together and he didn’t want anything to do with me.”

“But he obviously does want a lot to do with you. As soon as Lucy got up, he came and sat next to you, and he was flirting with you and trying to kiss you—”

“He wasn’t trying to kiss me.”

“Well, he was trying to do something.” She laughed and then sighed. “Aw, man, I wish a guy would look at me the way that Austin looks at Lucy. You can tell they were made for each other. Oh, I know I keep going on about it, but I just really want to find love. Have you ever been in love, Olivia?”

“Have I ever been in love? I mean, I’ve thought I was in love, but it wasn’t true love. I haven’t found my true love yet. And honestly, I know what you mean. When I look at Austin and Lucy, I’m happy for them, but also a little jealous that I haven’t found my person yet.”

Sadie nodded. “We will one day, though.”

“I sure hope so.”

“Do you want to go to the bar tonight?” She looked at the clock. “Okay, it’s too late tonight, but maybe tomorrow night?”

“Sure,” I said. “I’m going out on the ranch with Beau during the day, but maybe we could go after dinner.”

“That would be great.” She nodded. “Maybe Lucy will come—if Austin lets her.”

“Oh, Lucy’s independent. She won’t not come just because of Austin, and I’m sure Austin trusts her. What’s she going to do, hook up with someone at the bar?” I rolled my eyes. “Let’s ask her when she comes back.”

“Oh, sweet. And maybe Arya will come as well, though she might be too nervous about leaving Eloise.”

“No, I think that would be really fun for her, and then Amelia could babysit. I’m sure she’d love that. And the boys can help her. With all of these Hamilton boys, one of them has to know how to look after a kid, right?”

Sadie snorted. “You’d think. But no, none of them know how to look after kids.”

“Who are you talking about?” Wyatt said as he appeared back in the room.

“You and your brothers. Where are they, by the way?” Sadie jumped up and grabbed the beer out of his hand.

“Hey, that was mine!” he objected.

“Well, where’s mine? In the kitchen where you left it? You’re not a gentleman at all.”

“What? I don’t have to be a gentleman with you. You’re my best friend.”

“So? I’m still a lady.”

“You are?” He looked her up and down. “Could’ve fooled me.”

“You’re such a jerkface, Wyatt.” She hit him in the shoulder and he chuckled. I was about to say something, but then Beau, Austin, Lucy, and Araya entered the room.

Lucy was carrying a tray of steaming mugs. “Okay, we’re back. Sorry about that. We wanted to pop some fresh popcorn, and then Arya had the smart idea of making hot toddies.”

“Ooh,” I said. “That sounds good. Hey, Arya and Lucy, Sadie had an idea.”

“Oh?” Lucy said.

“Yeah,” I replied. “We were thinking perhaps we could go to the bar tomorrow. Just us girls.”

“Yeah,” Sadie chirped up. “We can go down to 12-Buck Point Bar. I think Chip’s working tomorrow, so we’ll get half-priced drinks.”

“Oh, I remember Chip,” Lucy said with a little giggle. “He’s the bartender I met on my first day in town. Same day I met Austin. You’ll really like him, Olivia.” She looked at me. “He’s really nice and kind of cute.”

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