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“Hey, there, Wyatt,” the bartender greeted me. “Two more?”

“Yep, and whatever the lady’s having.”

“Oh, you don’t have to,” she said.

“Of course. It’s on me. And whatever your friend wants as well.”

“Oh, that’s really nice of you. I knew you’d be a gentleman.”

“Well, I am a cowboy, ma’am.”

“Not all cowboys are gentlemen, you know.”

“All Hamilton cowboys are.”

“Hamilton,” she said, thinking. “Oh, from Horseshoe Ranch?”

“Yep, the one and only.”

I didn’t ask how she’d heard about it. Everyone who lived in the area and knew Horseshoe Ranch and knew of the Hamilton men.

“Wow, so you’re a Hamilton.” She looked even more impressed than she had earlier. “I don’t suppose you happen to know Beau Hamilton, do you?”

Given that I’d just said I was a Hamilton who lived on Horseshoe Ranch, this struck me as a pretty silly question, but I smiled politely. “He’s my older brother.”

“Yeah, I was reading a magazine article where it said he was the most eligible cowboy in the state.”

“Not anymore.” I shook my head. “Sorry to break your heart, but he’s engaged now.”

“Oh no,” she said. “That’s such a pity. I really was hoping to meet him.”

“Oh, yeah? You wanted to catch yourself an eligible cowboy?” I said, not sure why I was continuing on with this.

“Well, I mean any cowboy will do.” She leaned into me and put her hand on the top of my arm and squeezed my muscles. Instinct made me flex them slightly, and she gasped as she squeezed. “Wow, what big biceps you have.” She winked at me.

I chuckled, shaking my head. This lady was not smooth, but most men had egos the size of Texas and so they probably ate shit this up.

“Well, you know.” The bartender put the drinks down on the bar in front of us. I pulled out a couple of bills out of my wallet and placed them on the bar. “Keep the change, eh?”

“Thanks, Wyatt.”

I grabbed the beers and smiled at the girl next to me.

“So, I’m going to go and sit with my brother.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m sure Lacey would love to join as well. Hold on.”

“Um … Okay?” I wanted to point out that I hadn’t invited them,” but I was too much of a gentleman.

I walked over to the table while she went to get her friend.

Chet grinned at me when he saw the two women approaching. “So I guess you are in the mood to hook up tonight.”

“I’m not looking to hook up.” I shook my head. “She probably wants to hook up with me, but …”

“Uh huh.” Chet stopped talking as the girls reached our table.

“Hi, thanks so much for the drinks.” The other woman held her drink up. “I’m Lacey, Emily’s best friend.”
