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“I know, but to buy a good yearling with a good pedigree, I have to spend a lot of money. And I can’t just buy one. I need to at least invest in three.” Her eyes widened. “I’m also gonna need some help. I gotta hire a couple of guys to help me break them and do the training … Yeah, maybe it’s too much.”

“It’s not too much. And I have an idea.”

“What’s your idea, Sadie?”

“If Beau says no, I can always dip into my trust fund.”

“No way,” I shook my head. “You’re not putting money into this project, Sadie.”

“I believe in you. I trust you. We’ll split the profits.”

“No. Plus, I have my own trust fund as well, you know,” I reminded her. “I’m not a broke ass.”

“I know you’re not a broke ass, Wyatt. That’s why all the women love you.” She laughed.

“Well, that’s not why all the women love me. But, hey, maybe some of them. Some of them love me for my money. Some of them love me for my handsome face. Some of them love me for what they’ve heard about me down there.” I winked at her.

She giggled, then her giggle turned into a yawn. “I’m tired. Can we talk about this again in the morning?”

“It is the morning,” I said softly.

“You know what I mean. After we get some sleep.”

“Of course,” I said. “Thanks for coming over, Sadie.”

“It’s okay. You know whenever you call, I’ll be there.”

“I know,” I said. “And you know that’s the same for me as well, right?”

“I know.”

And because I wasn’t thinking, I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. I pulled back when I realized what I was doing.

“Night.” I closed my eyes and turned around. My back was to her. And all I could think was, Oh, my God, I just kissed Sadie on the lips.

I’d wanted to do more, but I knew I couldn’t. This was such a weird space to be in, and I just didn’t know how to feel. I could feel her body pressed up against mine, and I could smell her scent even though I wasn’t facing her.

I turned around even though I knew I shouldn’t. My arm fell across her waist, and she shifted slightly so that she was closer to me. Her hair was spread out on the pillow, and a lock of it brushed my nose. I meant to just move it away but I found myself stroking it with my finger just as she rolled toward me. Her head was now on my shoulder.

“Oops,” she murmured.

“It’s okay.” I looked into her eyes. “Go to sleep, Sadie.”

“But that’s not comfortable for you. I don’t wanna be lying on you.”

“It’s fine,” I said. And it was. I’d like the feel of her next to me.

And at that moment, I realized what she’d said earlier was probably true. We were getting too old to share the bed together. Things between us were changing. She was a woman now, and I was feeling things for her that I had never felt before. I could feel the warmth of her legs against mine, and my gaze was pulled toward the t-shirt that she was wearing. Her breasts pressed against the material, and I could tell that she had no bra on. My hand moved slightly on the t-shirt so that it was now resting on her stomach. She shifted again, and the t-shirt ran up slightly. My hand was now on her bare skin. I moved my hand so that I was rubbing her stomach. She giggled slightly as my fingers played with her belly button.

“What are you doing?” she murmured.

“Nothing,” I said. “Go to sleep, Sadie.”

“You’re tickling me!”

“No, I’m not,” I said, my fingers still playing on her stomach. I moved them up slightly so that they were now under her t-shirt and resting on her abdomen. She stilled as my fingers kept moving up. They were now on the underside of her breasts.

We both stilled then. One more move and I’d be covering her breasts and squeezing her nipples. I could hear her breathing heavily. She hadn’t told me to stop yet, and she hadn’t pushed my hand away. We both were wondering what was gonna happen next. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to touch her so badly, but I was scared. I was nervous about what that would mean and what she would think.
