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“Hurry up and shower,” he said. “We got to get going.”

“Oh?” I looked at him blinking. What was he talking about?

“The auction starts in an hour, and I’m sure you want to have breakfast and get a coffee like you always do. So get moving!”

“Oh yeah, the auction, that’s today?”

“Yeah, goofy,” he laughed.

He walked past the bed and grabbed a shirt. “What do you think about this?” He held it up against him. It was a crisp white shirt and I stared at him smiling.

“It looks very plain. Not like you at all.”

“Well, it’s not like I can wear my cowboy t-shirt,” he said laughing.

“Sure you can. We’re going to a horse auction. I’m sure it’s going to be full of cowboys.”

“It’s going to be full of businessmen. I want them to see a businessman. I don’t want them to see a cowboy.”

“Can’t you be a cowboy businessman?” I asked.

“Well, I can and I am, but I want them to see the professional side of me.”

“Okay,” I said as I got out of the bed.

He walked over to me and grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. He gave me a long, deep kiss and then pulled away.

“Whoa, what was that for?” I said blinking at him in surprise.

“I wanted to make sure you were fully awake,” he grinned, and then he slapped me on the ass. “Now go and shower and hurry.”

“Yes, sir,” I giggled as I ran into the bathroom.

I was so happy that we had something to do this morning so that I couldn’t just focus on the night before, and this way I didn’t make things awkward. I hurried into the shower and got dressed quickly. He wasn’t even in the room when I came out of the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the bed waiting, wondering where he was. The door opened about five minutes later and he had a coffee in his hands.

“Here you go, my dear,” he said, handing it to me. “One mocha with extra whipped cream.”

“You got me a mocha?” I asked surprised.

“Yeah. You love mochas, right? Or did that change when you went to Idaho?”

“No, it didn’t change when I went to Idaho, but I thought we were going to go and get breakfast and coffee now.”

“We are,” he said, “but I called the restaurant downstairs and they don’t do mochas. They only have regular coffee, and I know that you don’t love regular coffee, so I went out to get you a mocha.”

“Wow. Thank you.” I was really touched by how thoughtful he’d been.

“Hey, don’t let it go to your head. I just want to make sure that your head is in the game today. I’ll want your opinion when we look at these horses.”

“Okay. I mean, I’m really happy. I’m excited,” I said as I sipped on the mocha. “Mmm, this tastes delicious.”

“I know,” he said, “I had to sip myself.”

“You took a sip of my mocha, Wyatt?”

“Of course. I had to make sure it wasn’t bad.”

