Page 46 of Losing Control

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But Shannon hated it. None of her friends lived within walking distance and none of them had a driver’s license yet. That meant someone’s parents had to cart them, and that was often a problem. She daydreamed a lot about the day she’d graduate high school. A handsome man would ride into town in a brand-new truck and carry her off to a beautiful life on a big fancy ranch.

That’s what Shannon wanted. A ranch, where she could have her own horse and ride him any time she wanted. But at fifteen that possibility seemed a long ways away.

She heard the truck before she saw it, rumbling down the dirt road, kicking up stones around it. Who would be driving down this road at this time of day? Visitors were almost nonexistent. She stepped to the side to move out of the way, then smiled when it stopped and she recognized the driver.

“Hi,” she called and gave a little wave.

“Hi, Shannon. Early finish with school?”

“Yeah. They didn’t finish all the state testing yesterday. Those of us who did got out early.”

He nodded. “Used to love those days myself. So, you walking home?”

“Have to. Dad’s not gonna pick me up, and mom’s usually in town this time of day making deliveries.”

“Well, if you don’t think your folks would mind, I don’t have a problem dropping you off at your place.”

Shannon chewed her bottom lip. She knew not to get in a car or truck with a stranger, but this was no stranger. Everyone knew him and her folks would probably be grateful he’d offered her the ride. Besides, walking down this road was such a pain in the butt.

Making up her mind, she grinned. “Sure. That would really be great. Thanks.”

She tossed her book bag into the cab and climbed up to the seat, carefully fastening her seat belt.

“I’m sure glad you came along,” she said, tightening the belt. “What are you doing way out here in Noplace, anyway? Hardly anyone ever comes down this road.”

He chuckled. “Just taking a short cut to the Nobles’ ranch. Your road goes straight through and cuts off about five miles from the highway.”

“Then I’m real happy you decided to do it today.”

He grinned. “The pleasure is all mine.”

While she was still settling herself in her seat, he pulled off on the side of the road, put the truck in park, and fumbled in the center console.

Shannon frowned. “What’s the matter? Is something wrong?”

“No, little girl. Something’s very right.”

In seconds, he’d pulled a damp cloth out of a plastic bag and clamped it over her nose.

Shannon gripped his forearm as hard as she could and tugged, kicking at him with her feet, a scream rising in the back of her throat. The stuff on the cloth smelled terrible and made her dizzy. She tried to keep fighting, but whatever she was inhaling made her weak and sleepy.

“That’s right,” she heard him say. “Just go to sleep, little girl. We’ll be there soon, and then we’ll have a lot of fun.”

As the darkness took her, Shannon’s last thought was she’d never been more scared in her life.

Chapter Seventeen

Dana thought about going to Harry’s for a quick lunch, but she was so disturbed by her visit with Ivy Winslow that she drove straight home. In the dining room, she booted up her laptop again and, while it was loading, made herself a cup of Tension Tamer tea. By the time it was ready, she had the book file open and began scrolling through it very slowly.

She sipped at the tea, hoping it would calm the jittery feeling in her stomach, feeling disorganized and hating it. With every other book, she had a pattern she followed. First the outline, filled in as she did her research. Then the list of questions, varied slightly with each person she interviewed. A spreadsheet she filled in as she acquired each new piece of information.

Being personally involved was throwing her off her game, and she hated it. Hated what had happened back then and what was happening now. Clowns. How could some sick freak use something so innocent and so appealing to lure kids to their death? It made her sick just to think about it. Especially, since she knew how effective he’d been, how easily she and Kylie had been lured to danger.

Kylie. Oh, God. All these years, she’d managed to put the image of her sister’s body at the back of her mind. Remembering the touch and feel of the man was bad enough. But last night, Kylie had been front and center in her nightmares, her adorable little face blending with the image of her body and thighs smeared with blood.

Yesterday, she’d found three other cases online besides the Kellys’ where clowns had been mentioned. Today, Ivy Winslow had added a fourth. Now, she went through the information she’d copied from each incident report looking for more. By the time she finished, she found the mention of clowns nine times.

Nine times!

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