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“I wish I could hear your stories,” I press on, feeling like I need to say something after touching a pain point of his. “Maybe one day you’ll tell me.”

He lets a deep breath escape his lips. I watch as it curls in the brisk air.

“One day… maybe when I’m listening in the way you need me to.”

* * *

The glass atrium of the Pine Hollow enclosure is beautiful with the white layer of snow atop its panes.

Naminé told me the first time we came here that it’s a type of magic used by creatures calledGremitie. It’s the first I’d heard of them—spirits of the sea she said, creators of doorways to worlds. The glass serves essentially as a portal to another location, which explains why it’s lush and green here, warm with the sun beaming through the glass.

I can’t help but wonder what Gremitie look like as I admire the glass.

Once we enter the atrium, Rune sets me down. I tousle his hair as thanks, earning me a raised brow from him, but he quickly straightens his features back to empty nothingness. I laugh and can’t help but smile at how soft his dark hair is.

The grass is green in the atrium and rich with plants, small animals for the Hollows to hunt, and of course, many, many Pine Hollows.

I grab the container filled with treats that sits just by the entrance and whistle for the beasts. They’ve come to know me by my weekly visit. Being around them centers me, brings me close to my gods I’ve left behind, and in a way I feel close to Margo and Murph this way too. Sometimes I pretend I can see her in the distant fields here, frolicking around and having fun with the other Hollows.

I let my imagination run wild and picture my afterlife if Arulius had never betrayed me. All of us laughing and smiling, riding Hollows, drinking tea at Moro’s cottage. I’d spend time in Kastian’s beautiful court, learn to fly with Arulius, help Wren raise Marley… there are so many things I wanted to do with them. All of them.

I frown at what could have been. Another life that seems so far away.

Rune shifts on his feet uneasily as the Hollows move toward us. I laugh and grab his hand to reassure him. He quickly looks down at me and pulls his hand back, giving me a sharp stare.

Yeah, becauseholding handsis crossing a line. Gods. I roll my eyes and grab it again, holding it tighter this time so he can’t pull away.

“Calm down—you’ve never visited the Pine Hollows before?”

His red eyes steady and he considers my question before shaking his head. He looks down at our joined hands with a crease in his brow. I didn’t think he was afraid of anything, but I guess we all have insecurities and things that make us anxious.

I grab a handful of the meat grains, treats that a Nesbrim shopkeeper makes for the Hollows, and set them in Rune’s hand. I’ve visited the shop a few times. The shopkeeper is a kind man. He loves the Hollows like Moro would, it makes me feel a little less guilty about them all being contained here. At least they are well cared for and loved.

Rune looks from me to the treats, expecting some sort of explanation. I tighten my lips to keep my amusement in. He’s never fed an animal before?

Come on, that’s sad.

“Like this.” I hold my hand out, a small pile of treats in the center, as I wait for the Pine Hollows to come. He copies me and holds his hand out. His rolled-up sleeves and his tattooed arms make him look fierce and brutish, but the fear in his eyes kills me, I have to bite down on my tongue to keep the smile off my face. “Perfect, now we wait.”

He nods hesitantly and keeps his eyes on the crowd of Hollows that are trotting over to us.

They’re magnificent, each so beautiful and unique in their own way, representing some semblance of the dogs they were once upon a time. Black, tan, red, brown, gray, all sorts of colored beasts approach, stampeding the grass below as they come to a slow pace.

Rune sucks in a breath and his eyes widen with the sheer power and size of the Hollows. He wasn’t kidding, he’s never seen one before. I chuckle as I step in front of him, holding my hand out to my personal favorite Hollow. I’ve named him Brevik. His gray fur is long and coated with a black, tar-like speckle. His rider is out there somewhere and I hope one day he finds them.

Brevik lets a low hum rumble from deep in his throat as he greets me. I pet his muzzle and turn toward Rune, showing him it's safe.

The Dreadius looks at me with unsteadiness in his gaze, stepping next to me, so close that our thighs are touching and I have to take a deep breath to quell the heat that builds in my abdomen. He’s entirely too hot to keep nudging up to me like that.

Rune offers his hand to Brevik and the Hollow considers him. A few of the other beasts are curious about the new visitor as well and begin to swarm around us to smell him.

Rune’s eyes flicker with what I dare say is panic, but he keeps perfectly still as the Hollows inspect him. A tan female sniffs his head and nudges at his sweater while a black one gives him a lick across his cheek. Rune’s shoulders start to relax as the Pine Hollows show him their friendly nature and it warms my icy soul just a bit watching the emotionless male that is Rune be calmed by the beasts I love so dearly.

“See? What did I tell you, aren’t they wonderful?”

I look up at Rune and he holds my gaze for a few moments, giving me a nod and the smallest curve of a smile before icing himself over once more.

But I saw it.
