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My eyes are closed but my lips are awake, smiling at the silent affection.

They scoot in closer and press a kiss to the back of my head as they run their hand calmly through my dark hair until I’m falling asleep, safe in their embrace.



Rune leans against the wall by my door as I untangle my hair and watch as the Nesbrim citizens work on setting up the festival. I catch sight of Naminé as her ashy blonde hair waves behind her. She’s with a Dreadius. I squint harder and smile when I recognize the café owner, Greysil.

“I’m guessing their date went well.” I purse my lips and smile. I wonder if they left Nesbrim to go somewhere romantic or if they had a nice dinner at a fancy shop.

I toss my brush on the bed and grab my coat. Rune keeps his eyes closed. I can’t tell if he’s sleeping or just resting his eyes. I often wonder if he sleeps standing up like a fucking horse.

I admire his features for a peaceful moment. His eyelashes are unfairly thick and dark like his hair. His three beautiful crimson horns tilt up at the ceiling as his chin nearly rests on his collar bones. Arms crossed, his veins and muscles are protruding even at his resting state. Each twist and curl of his tattoos makes me curious about what they mean. Was he tatted here? Did he arrive in Tomorrow with them? I never got to experience tattoos in the human realm so I’ll have to wring it out of him.

It hurts to think about the things I never got to do in the human realm. Like get married or egg someone’s house, visit Heirah and historical sites. I never got to eat funnel cake. I let out a soft sigh and shake the depressing thoughts from my mind.

I’ll let him sleep—my silent drop of blood in the snow.

The door creaks open as I step out, and when he doesn’t move I’m certain he’s asleep. A smile cracks across my lips. I can finally do some snooping on my own.

I shut the door quietly and tiptoe through the hall until I’m far enough away to walk normally.

I slip my shoes off and let the coolness of the castle’s tiles floor seep into my bones. Setting my shoes on the windowsill, I dart through the halls and prance to a song in my head, one of freedom and hope. My mother would sing it to me a lot when I was a child. I think it was the song of Fernestia, the end of the war. It’s much too pretty of a song to be linked with war though.

I stop near an intersection in the hallway and sneak around a few chatting Moss Sparrows, deep in conversation. They have plans scribbled in their binders. They argue over what would be better lighting and food options for the festival. It sounds like it will be beautiful, and I’m already pissed that Violet has forbidden me and Rune from going.

The library is just to the left of them. They’re the only double doors that screamlibraryin this entire castle. I casually walk in, happy that the Moss Sparrows don’t seem to notice. Once I’m in, I press my back against the door with a breath of relief.

The mildewy and stale scent of books untouched for gods know how long invades my nose. It’s dark in here. There are three floor-to-ceiling windows along the back wall and a gorgeous arched window that sits between the first and second floor, but heavy, thick drapes cover the light that tries to trickle in. I don’t miss the layer of dust that sticks to the bottom of my feet as I step toward the glass.

Gross. Shoes next time.

I grasp the drapes and fling each one open, light immediately piercing through the stagnant air and chasing shadows to the corners of the room. The flecks of dust dance in the sunbeams, making it look like a shimmering ghost library filled with secrets and buried treasures.

I intend to find every last one.

The door creaks open behind me and my head snaps to the door. Naminé’s laugh rings through the air and I’m seizing at the thought of being caught. I don’t know if she would rat on me or not, but the nice thing about not trusting anyone is having zero expectations.

I slip behind a long bookshelf and peek through the gap above dusty books. She’s dressed in her soldier armor and crimson cloak, moving a large box and setting it in the corner by the enormous double doors. I let out a sigh of relief as she moves to leave, but the door swings open again and a very distraught Rune enters.

Gods, why do you hate me...

Naminé quickly straightens and nods at him like she just wants to leave, but he stops her. I feel bad that he can’t just say what it is he needs, but she seems to get the memo that a guard should be guarding someone.

“Are you looking for Elodie?”

He gives her a sharp nod and glances around the dusty library. His eyes flick up to the second floor, searching them for good measure.

“I haven’t seen her. I’m done working today though, I can help you if you’d like?”

Naminé, no!

I smack my forehead with my palm and curse under my breath. She’s so smart, she’ll find me in a heartbeat. Just as the thought crosses my mind, my gaze lowers to the floor where I see,clear as day, footprints leading exactly where I’m hiding.

“Hey, there’s footprints… I only know one person who goes shoeless in all of Nesbrim.” Naminé laughs as she approaches my hiding spot.

I tighten my lips and try not to laugh as her eyes meet mine once she rounds the corner. Rune’s just a beat behind her and his brows are furrowed like I’m psychotic for going barefoot.
