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It’s eerily silent and not a soul lurks in the hallway. Perfect.

We finally make it to the final stretch and my anxiety peaks when I see Arulius waiting by the window near our rooms.

His amethyst eyes catch mine and he’s instantly storming over to me. His fists are clenched, and I can’t tell why he’s so pissed, but his eyes dart from Rune to me like we’ve been out having sex all night.

The moonlight is dripping through the glass behind him and he looks iridescent, reminding me of my sweet Kastian the first time I saw him in the twilight in Caziel. Except this god is angry and the gold in his hair glints as light bounces off it.

My heart lurches.

I brace myself for him to drag me back to my room. My eyes closing as his arms reach out to take me. My forearm stings in memory of the way he grabbed me at dinner last night. I instantly drop my books and they clatter to the floor.

Rune pulls me back and steps in front of me in a heartbeat. Arulius’s eyes flare at my Dreadius guard and he doesn’t waste a second as he throws a punch at Rune’s face.

“Get out of the way, you useless—”

“Stop!” I scream and try to get between them, but Rune has a firm arm out, blocking me. He lets out a feral growl.

Holy shit, he can make sounds?

Rune throws a heavy punch at Arulius’s cheek and the Eostrix doesn’t block it in time. His golden wings soften his fall but he hits the floor with a hardcrack. My heart’s pounding and adrenaline pulses through me. My aura is itching to get out. Pain sears into my cheek and up my spine as the bond sends Arulius’s fresh wounds right through me. I stagger but remain standing, cupping my cheek gently and trying not to draw Rune’s attention to me. I really doubt he knows about the shared-fate bullshit of the bond, so I can’t really hold it against him. Plus, Arulius deserved that.

Gods, Rune can hit like a motherfucker though.

“Howdareyou touch me, you filthy Dreadius.” Arulius’s purple eyes are ominous and radiate a wave of dread through me as he stands and wipes the blood from his lip. His golden aura surrounds his arms and the air around us feels charged with electricity. Discharges of small thunderbolts spark between Arulius’s fingers.

My jaw trembles. I’ve never seen him usethispower. “Arulius, what the fuck are you doing!?”

His eyes land on me and he looks completely unhinged, more so when he realizes I felt that punch too. “Where have you two been, love? I’ve been looking for you… You’re sending unsettling emotions through the bond. I thought I told you—”

Rune’s arm flares with a crimson fire as he cracks another skull-shattering punch against Arulius’s jaw. The Eostrix’s head tilts, but just slightly—he was ready for it this time.I wasn’t though.I grit my teeth, instantly dizzy, and I fall to the ground. Rune glances at me and realization flickers across his gaze as he registers that the bond shares pain.

A string of golden aura forms by Arulius’s lowered arm and I recognize the shimmering arrow—it’s just like the ones he rained down in the Pine Hollows’ grove during the attack.

He’s going to kill Rune.

“Arulius!” I shout as I stumble up and shove Rune with all my strength. Thank gods, I take him by surprise and manage to push him out of the way as Arulius brings his arrow up like a spear. The electric strings connect with my body and my skin heats.

I brace myself for the impact of it, but the golden arrow shatters into a beautiful dust before it can pierce my chest, swirling in the air around us like glitter. My heart’s beating against my ribs and my breaths are labored as our eyes meet.

Arulius looks absolutely ruined.

His expression is desolate and horrified at what he almost did. He takes a few staggering steps back before leaning forward and wrapping me in his arms, burying my face in his broad chest and embracing me desperately like he almost lost me to the shadows of this world. His hand cups the back of my head and he presses his face into my hair. What’s gotten into him? I clench my teeth and try to calm my shaking limbs. My cheek and jaw are throbbing so fucking bad.

“Love… Gods, I’m so sorry.”

My broken organ... It rips right through my chest and clutches onto his. Arulius’s heart is beating so hard I can feel the flutters against my cheek.

But what he did… I press a hand to his chest, pushing him away and stepping back, shaking my head and looking over at Rune. He’s still sitting leaned up against the wall where I pushed him, boring holes into the Eostrix with hate-filled eyes.

“You should go,” I whisper and the words hang in the air around us like a fucking noose.

He lifts a hesitant hand and then clenches it before he can cup my throbbing cheek. Cursing under his breath, he stalks past me, and I don’t let my breath out until his steps are fading away.

I stand in the veil between the dark walls and the moonlight, staring at the speckles of blood on the stone floors from the fight.

Rune remains leaning on the wall… I can’t even bring myself to look at him. What if Aruliushadkilled him? I wouldn’t have been able to save him. I bite back the tears that threaten to fall.

After a few minutes of our moonlit silence, I finally whisper, “I’m sorry.”
