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Wren has an unlit joint in his mouth as he pours himself a cup of the bitter liquid. He drinks it black. I’ll never understand how anyone can go without cream. His dark hair is tousled and messy—from a rough night’s sleep on the couch, I’m guessing. If the bed was just a little bit bigger, we could all fit. I let my eyes glide down his body and he catches me looking.

I smile instead of looking away and he holds the joint to his lips as he sparks it with my pink lighter. “Don’t I get a morning hug? I took a bullet and slept on the couch, for gods’ sakes.”

Rune smirks as I stand and walk over to Wren. I wrap my arms around him, pushing his shirt up and letting my bare palms feel his warm, tight muscles.

“It's your turn tonight then.” I rub my cheek against the soft fabric of his black shirt. He leans into me and exhales smoke from his joint. It smells like bark and surprisingly doesn’t sting my nose.

“I’ll have to catch you first then. I’m addicted to the way it feels to catch you when you’re running from me.” His breath warms my cheek and shivers shoot up my spine as excitement coils within me.

“Lucky for you, I happen to enjoy being caught.” I press a kiss against his lips and steal the joint from his hand as I retreat back to the table with a playful grin.

I take a puff of the joint and my eyes widen with the flavor and the way it immediately sparks energy into me. It’s like the forest and life all crammed into smoke.

“What the hell is this stuff?”

Wren smiles at my awe. “It’s just Cypress crack.”

I throw the joint and take a huge drink of coffee to clear the forbidden taste from my mouth.

Wren laughs and clutches his side. “I’m fucking with you, Elodie. It’s just the tobacco here in Tomorrow.”

I scowl at him and look at the joint I threw on the floor, wasted at the expense of his joke. Rune pats my thigh, giving me a small grin and I smile at him.

My spine warms with our connection.“There will be more. Don’t fret about it.”

I laugh and let my hand slip onto his where it rests on my leg.

“So, why don’t you talk? I’ve always been curious but too proud to ask. And what’s up with the chemistry I’m vibing on with you two? I know you said you were sucking his dick, but I didn’t think you’d be all mooshy-gooshy.” Wren takes a seat across from us and sets down his mug. It feels like we’re being fucking interviewed.

I furrow my brows. “Well, that was rude. You were too proud? What does that make you now?”

Wren kicks up one side of his mouth. “An asshole. You going to answer my other question? All he does is look at you like a love-drunk puppy.”

That gets Rune’s attention and he snaps his head at the Cypress, glaring at him. I can’t help but laugh at the two of them.

Marley finally emerges from his room and is the only one who seems awake as he hums and chews his eggs with a blissful smile on his face.

“Rune and I are two peas in a pod, okay? It’s not our fault we’re made for one another.” I shoot the Dreadius a knowing look.

My spine heats.“We still playing at no hearts attached, pup?”

I can’t even look at him without the emotions I feel for him spilling out. “Can they be?” I repeat his words from our night together and his brows knit like me finally admitting it hits him right in the chest.

I take another sip of my coffee, enjoying this small moment as much as I can.

“I thought Kastian wasmade for you,” Wren snarks back.

“I think you all were… In a way you’re all mine. It’s weird, but I can feel it. Though, Arulius kind of burned his bridge… but he did teach me to fly.” I cross my arms and lean back in my seat. Wren softens his gaze and leans forward, setting both forearms on the table and lacing his fingers together.

“You know, Kastian’s doing everything he can to save you. To saveeverything… and part of it might include gettingridof Arulius.”

I flinch. A ball forms in my throat and my hands become clammy. “What makes you think that?” I ask defensively.

Wren stares at me empathetically, his amber eyes flickering with knowing pain. “How will we kill Violet? Youknowhe’s going to protect her with his entire being. This only ends one way, Elodie.”

I clench my teeth. “Yeah? Then tell me, Wren, what’s this big plan of yours? Why don’t you share, since you know whohasto fucking die.”

Marley drops his fork and covers his mouth with a sharp gasp. We all three snap our attention to the small Moss Sparrow, sitting there with food dropping from his mouth.
