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The skull shatters and the veins on its temples cease pulsing.

We did it—we fucking did it!

Rune grabs my wrist and races for the exit.“Okay, now just Violet and the Hollows!”I can hear the smile in his voice.

“I’m going to punch her in her face!” I shout-laugh. Rune laughs ahead of me as we take two steps at a time.

We get halfway up the staircase before the rubble gives and crashes down on us.

I don’t even have a chance to scream because floors’ worth of stones are pelting us and burying us alive.

I can’t hear anything.

I can’t see anything.




“Rune!” I rasp, coughing violently as dust curls around my face. I don’t know where I am, but it’s dark. It’s so dark here and I’m in so much fucking agony. My legs are crushed and my wings—I can’t feel my wings.

“Hey, pup… You okay?”

His eerie voice is right above me but I can’t see him.

I can’t see anything. It’s so dark. I’m scared.

“Rune,” I sob. The pain and emotions flare through me and I can’t fucking breathe. “Rune, a-are you okay? Where are you? It’s d-dark… I can’t—I can’t see.”

I feel his breath curl on my forehead and hot liquid is dripping on my neck and chest. Blood… I start to breathe harder. Am I hyperventilating? Oh gods. Oh gods, please.

“I’m okay. Can you move?”

I hesitate, checking in with myself, and when I can feel my toes I murmur, “Y-yeah. I th-think so.”

“Perfect. I need you to ball yourself up and use your aura as a shield. Focus it around your body. Can you do that for me, baby?”

I don’t like how he’s talking… It's too soft and comforting.

Something’s wrong.

“R-rune, what’s wrong? I—I can’t see you! Are you o-okay? What’s wr-wrong?!” I wail, shaking uncontrollably with tears streaming down my cheeks. I gain mobility in my arms and shakily reach above my face. I’m instantly met with his chin and neck. His skin is slick with hot liquid and he’s trembling uncontrollably.

He’s holding all the stones off of us.

No. I can’t… Please don’t let this be happening.

Not real, not real, not real.

“Rune… W-we’re okay… We’re okay, right? Tell me… p-please!”

He keeps trembling and his voice is a mere whisper now. I can feel his jaw clenching so hard his teeth are cracking.

“J-just do as I say. Use your aura as a shield and close your eyes, pup. Close your eyes for me.”Cool drops trickle onto my face from his and my heart is drowning in that deep dark lake in my chest, sinking farther away from his, reaching so desperately.

Tears stream down the sides of my face and I do as he says, curling into a ball and casting my aura over my skin like a shell.
