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After apologizing he invites us to start walking with him. “Let’s come in and talk business, shall we?”

We head for what I assume to be his office. As we follow him inside, I shake my head to help break the spell, but it’s tough because his backside looks just as good as the rest of him.

Get a grip, Lily! He’s insanely hot but you need to focus on the serious matter at hand.

“Please, take a seat.” He opens the door, revealing a huge office with floor to ceiling windows. Since we are on the twentieth floor, I can see incredible views of the skyline. I want to walk directly over to the window and peer down, but I resist the urge.

He points to a few plush leather chairs in front of his desk. As I look around, I see this place also has a huge conference table off to the side with about twenty other leather chairs surrounding it.

When I sit down, I notice the black and white logo of a wolf behind him on the wall, surrounded by a huge array of what looks like accolades showcasing his successes.

I’m impressed. This guy looks to be the real deal.

After taking his own seat behind his large black desk, he speaks again. “Sandra, you mentioned on the phone earlier that you wanted to talk about an urgent request for a bodyguard. Can you please give me more details?”

Sandra looks at me, and I look back at her, telling her with the tip of my index finger that she can tell him more.

“Lily has a stalker,” Sandra replies, and I see Brody’s brow quickly furrow and his eyes goes dark.

“Yeah, it has become a nuisance,” I sigh with an air of forced nonchalance, but the truth is I’m terrified. “At first it was just some online harassment, but he found out my address and I receive letters now pretty often.”

“She even had to move,” Sandra sighs and turns to me. “I regret now having you be in charge of your social media accounts.”

She turns back to Brody and shrugs, “I offered her a social media manager, but Lily wanted to do it herself. That’s how he was communicating with her. I didn’t think it would be a big deal. It’s not like anything like this has ever happened before.”

I clear my throat, “Well, I’ve always managed my own social media and never had a problem before. In fact, that’s how Sandra found out about me in the first place.”

I look to her with a smile, but her serious face doesn’t budge, and I continue, “Yeah, and… I’m worried he’ll discover my new address too. He leaves messages at the venues I’ll perform, and since we still don’t know what he looks like, I worry he might be there at my performances and who knows what he’ll do next.”

“Your stalker…” He finally speaks. “What sort of messages does he send you?”

Pausing for a second, I say, “At first, he was friendly, polite and smart. He was one of my earliest fans, so we exchanged messages often over social media.”

At this, Sandra huffs disdainfully.

When I clear my throat again, Brody reaches over to a small portable refrigerator and pulls out a water bottle. I nod thankfully as he offers it. I take a sip before continuing.

“Then he started to get overconfident and asked me out and wanted to meet. When I politely declined, he got violent and sent me threats. And he said something about how he wouldn’t stop until he’d changed my mind.”

I pause for a breath, feeling uneasy talking about it, “So, I blocked him, but he just re-appeared with a new username.”

“And when did he find out where you lived?” Brody asks, somber.

“About six months ago.

“Any idea how?” He motions with his large hands.

“No. He might have followed me after a show, I don’t know.”

“Did you involve the police?” Brody asks with a frown, listening and taking notes with a fine silver pen.

“Yes.” I nod. “They opened an investigation, but so far, it’s led nowhere. They documented all the incidents and tried to get fingerprints, but none were on the letters. There has been increased patrol at my concerts, but they haven’t found anyone suspicious and haven’t been able to verify if the stalker is even there or not.”

“Zero results?” Brody asks.

“Zero results,” Sandra and I reply in unison.

He’s the one who nods now, taking down more notes in a little brown notebook, occasionally pausing with pursed lips.

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