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She looks me dead in the eye, differently from before. Despite the smile, I can tell she’s curious about my answer.

I shake my head, “There shouldn’t be an issue with the contract unless one of us says something.”

Clearing my throat, I continue awkwardly, “What I’m concerned about is that Sandra is really good friends with my ex-wife, and she meddles in every relationship I have.”

Lily shrugs with one shoulder, but her face looks uncertain, “We have a relationship?”

“A professional relationship…” I blush. That’s the best answer I can come up with on the spot.

“No…” she moves her index in front of me. “You know what I mean.”

I sigh, deeply. How do I say that I am starting to really care for her? And that I might want a relationship with her?

First, I put my shades back on.

Cowardly, I know.

“We had two encounters that were, hum, incredible. That furthered our relationship. But Sandra will probably dislike that I’m with someone so close to her, and…”

“So, if I were just some stranger Sandra didn’t know, then it would be okay?” Lily crosses her arms, now looking completely pissed off suddenly, and I know I’m in trouble.

“Well, you should blame Sandra for this situation, not me!” I say defensively.

“I’m not blaming my best friend for your behavior!”

I raise an eyebrow. “Are you sure Sandra’s your best friend?”

Suddenly, her eyes squint in anger and her face is flushed a deep red, “Get out,” she says in a low tone.

Surprised, I just stare at her a moment and when I don’t move, she points to the door, silent but insistent.

I bring my hands up in surrender as I walk towards the door backwards, still facing her. Before I turn to open the door, she says quietly, but with great feeling, “Don’t you dare doubt my friendship with your sister.”

Before closing the door behind me, I turn back at the last moment to look her in the eye and say softly, “I’m sorry.”

I suppose her behavior is at least partly because she is scared about this stalker situation, and I shouldn’t be questioning others in her life that she is relying on now.

However, I know Sandra could make my life a living hell if she found out about us.

Tonight started out so grand and had an incredible climax, but unfortunately it had a less than favorable aftermath.

I finally spot Sandra and then I take the ladies home in silence, leaving Lily under Fryars’ watchful eye, all the while wondering why women can be so unreasonable.

Chapter Nine


It’searlymorningandI’m almost rolling on the floor laughing from Chavez’s videos. Chavez is the bodyguard sent to replace Fryars.

I wonder who’s coming next.

“Your jokes are really funny!” I say, handing back his phone.

“Glad you like them, miss!” he says with a bow. “Does your agent happen to represent comedians?”

I smile as authentically and patiently as I can. Truth be told, just like with Sandra’s fake friendships growing up due to an interest in Brody, I get a lot of fake friendship offers from people driven solely by their pursuit of fame.

“I can see if Sandra represents comedians, yes!” I don’t want to kill his spirit. “It’s Felipe-underline-Chavez, right?”
